Page 34 of False Pretenses

He grinned. “Not when the boss is away on business.”

So she had been partially right. “Don’t I know how that is. Even on vacation, they are not.”

“Can I take you to lunch? Better yet, I have use of my boss’s boat. We could make a day of it.”

Her eyes widened. “Won’t he find out? I don’t want you to lose your job.”

He held up his hands as if that explained it. “I’m a jack-of-all-trades. I drive the car, sometimes the boat. If minor repairs are needed…”

Oh, he was the chauffeur, not a servant in the house. If his employer had left the islands, of course there wouldn’t be work. She sighed. “Listen, I appreciate your offer and your interest in me. If this was another time and place…” She bit her lip. “Maybe we can catch up when we’re in New York, but right now, I’m with someone. He’s…” She thought of Nathan. What could she say? Not the truth. If Cullen’s boss ran in the same circles with Nathan, and Cullen told him of her fake status, it could get around, and the Cordes did not deserve that. Not with all they dealt with in Leo’s health already. “He’s important to me.”

Cullen’s gaze flashed anger, but then it was gone. He smiled and took her hand. “I understand. Damn my timing, huh? I hope you’ll give me a chance to be your friend. I feel like we get each other. If not, I’ll just have to hope to see you in New York. Can I give you my number?”

She hesitated and then nodded. After all, things with Nathan were coming to a close. That could not be avoided. She wouldn’t be his mistress, and he hadn’t offered anything else.

Cullen stroked her cheek. “I hope he recognizes what he has.”

She lowered her gaze to the sand. “Thanks. I have to go.”

By the time she reentered the house, all lay in silence. The dining room had been cleared out, but the moment she crossed the threshold of the room, Talia appeared. Alyssa started. “Oh, Talia. Is it okay if I make myself a sandwich in the kitchen? I know I’m late for breakfast.”

“No, ma’am. You can’t serve yourself.”

Alyssa rolled her eyes. “I think I can, and I will.”

The maid followed her through to the kitchen and hovered while Alyssa searched the refrigerator. The cook stared but said nothing. Alyssa had the feeling they both thought her insane.

“There you are, Alyssa.”

She turned at Leo’s voice and found him leaning hard on a cane. “Are you okay, Leo?”

The older man glanced around the expansive kitchen. “I don’t think I’ve been in here. Odd. Talia, two sandwiches, please. One for me and one for Alyssa. Join me in the dining room, won’t you, my dear?”

She couldn’t ignore him and sighed. While he had relayed the message to Talia, the cook was the one who started on the food. Alyssa gave in to defeat and followed Leo. They took seats at the table, and soon Talia brought iced tea for her and coffee for Leo. He waited to speak until she left. Breakfast hadn’t been that long ago, but apparently Leo wasn’t in the dining room when Lydia and Piper argued. Of course they wouldn’t have done it with him around and risk overtasking the man.

“How is my son treating you? Has he spoken of a ring yet?”

Alyssa froze in the act of sipping her tea. “Um, not yet.” Damn, she couldn’t continue to lie to him, not in his face and with him looking so feeble. Their sandwiches arrived, and she busied herself taking a bite of hers while her appetite evaporated.

Leo winked and patted her hand. “You have nothing to worry about. I think he will soon if I know my son.”

You don’t know him at all, it seems.

“I’m not holding my breath.” She could have bitten her tongue at how harsh she sounded and scoured her mind for words to mend the situation.

“Sounds like you two have had a spat?”

She cursed Nathan for putting her in this situation. “Not exactly.” Then she tried for the truth. “Sometimes he pisses me off. I mean, last night he said we were going to a beach party, and we get there, and it’s some stuffy hotel shindig. A blonde bimbo insulted me, and that fool took her side. Crap, I must sound like an immature brat.”

“You sound like a woman who demands to be treated with respect. There’s nothing wrong with that. I prided myself on raising my kids to respect others no matter their station in life. Everyone has value. Perhaps I need to have a talk with the boy.”

Alyssa shifted in her seat, wanting to escape. Leo did not need to get involved. “I’m good. Thanks. I can handle him.”

The man’s eyes sparkled despite the tired appearance around them. “I knew you were the right one as soon as I saw you.”

She could find nothing to reply to this.

Leo leaned toward her and lowered his voice. “Let me let you in on a little secret about dealing with Nathan.”