Page 21 of False Pretenses

She waved him off. “I won’t need anything.”

He hesitated with his hand on the doorknob and then turned back. “For last night, thanks.”

Fingers curled in until her nails dug into her palms, she clenched her jaw and said nothing more. He really had to make it worse by thanking her for the damn sex. Bastard! Or was it the comfort food and letting him talk about his dad a little? Yeah, better to think of it that way. Then she could shake off the sense of being used. After all, he’d been concerned with her regretting giving in. She would not regret it, no matter what.

After Nathan left, Alyssa showered and dressed. In the dining room, she met Talia waiting for her. “Um…” The server table at the side of the room remained empty.

“I can make you anything you like, Ms. Alyssa. The cook has been given the morning off since it’s unlikely anyone will be around the house. I’m a good cook. I’ve had training under her and my mother.”

“Oh, no, thank you.” Alyssa held up her hands. “I don’t have much of an appetite either. I’m going to walk on the beach before it gets too hot and crowded.”

The maid’s brows went up. “The beach just beyond the house is private property. It will never be crowded.”

Damn, I forgot. The rich. “Okay, thanks.”

Alyssa left her shoes near the house and took the short trail to the beach on bare feet. Just as Talia mentioned, not a soul interrupted the landscape for at least a mile. Private homes dotted the shore, most as big as the Corde home. She started walking, taking her time and letting the chilly, clear water cover her feet before rolling back out to sea. Overhead, birds called to one another and dove into the water to catch fish. In the distance, even this time of morning, sailboats ambled along. She put her hand up and stared out at the peaceful scenery.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” came a deep voice behind her. She turned to spot a man standing close by with rolled-up jeans and a T-shirt that had seen better days. Not exactly dressed for the weather, but his dancing blue eyes gave her pause to admire the view onshore.

“It is.” She hesitated. “You live around here?”

He chuckled, revealing even white teeth. “Me? No. I work there.” He pointed in the general direction of one of the houses, smaller than Nathan’s place. She guessed he worked as a servant. For some inane reason, she’d thought all the natives were black.

The man strolled closer and held out a hand. “Cullen James, and you?”

She shook her head at the hopeful expression on his face and hadn’t missed how he checked out her ring finger. She put her other hand in his. Pretty bold for a servant. “Alyssa Jackson. Pleased to meet you. I’m just visiting.”

“Ah, the upper crust. I’m sorry. I probably overstepped my bounds.”

Wow, bitter much? She knew where he came from, though. “Actually I’m not rich. My…um…friend is. I’m bumming down here.” Why the hell didn’t she come right out and say her boyfriend? Probably because it felt wrong. This man knew what it was like to struggle. She’d felt it in the roughness of his hands. The calluses didn’t come from being born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

They fell into step side by side and continued along the beach. “Are you going to attend any of the beach parties?” he asked after some time.

She squinted against the rising sun. Damn, shades would have been a good idea. “That sounds like fun. I’m not sure.”

“You should. I think you

’d enjoy it. There’s usually one at the beach outside the hotels, and maybe you’ll let me buy you a drink. The music here is not to be missed.”

She clapped her hands. “Oh, the steel drums! I’d forgotten about that. I want to hear them in real life.”

His eyes brightened. “I’ll take you to the best spot.”

She stopped walking. Now was the time to tell him she wasn’t available, which was a shame. He seemed nice, and he was sexy as hell. Aside from that, he was also a regular middle-class person like her. “Do you live here on the island?”

“No, we’re down for the week. I was born and raised in New York.”

Despite herself, excitement rose. “Me too!”

“So that’s a yes to our date?”

Before she could answer, her cell phone rang, and she pulled it from her shorts pocket. Nathan’s name flashed on the screen, and guilt assailed her. She glanced at Cullen. “I’m sorry, I have to take this. I can’t go on that date. Probably wasn’t meant to be, but it was nice meeting you.”

She turned away and hurried down the beach in the direction she’d come while stabbing the connect button. “Hey, Nathan, everything okay?”

“Yes, everything’s fine. I wanted to call and apologize for leaving you so abruptly this morning.”

“Don’t worry about it.”