Page 27 of False Pretenses

Natasha’s bow lips parted in her surprise. She didn’t have to question out loud “a black woman” for him to guess what she thought. The disgust flashed over her features and was gone in a heartbeat. She held out long, slender fingers to Alyssa, the others still curled over his bicep. “Great to meet you. I’m Natasha Pyotr. Aren’t you the daughter of that boxer—um, what’s his name?”

“Natasha,” Nathan growled.

“No, I’m not.” Alyssa ignored the outstretched hand.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Goodness.” Somehow Natasha managed to blush. “What do you do?”

Alyssa’s chin rose. “I’m a business owner.”

Several heads turned, and a couple people wandered over to them. Nathan disentangled himself from Natasha’s hold and moved to Alyssa’s side. While he rested a hand on her lower back, she straightened even more, causing his touch to fall away.

“What corporation?” Natasha insisted.

“I really don’t think that’s—” Nathan began.

“Jackson Books and Things.” The pride in Alyssa’s tone did not lessen the impact of her words upon the small crowd around them. Nathan saw the realization enter their eyes that she was most decidedly not from a well-to-do family, nor had she built up a fortune with her own skills and ability. He saw the dismissal in every face, except Mark’s, who appeared gratified. Natasha maintained the false smile and friendly air that had won many to her side in business and in her personal life. He had grown to despise that trait in her, although he was not a stranger to manipulating people to get what he wanted.

“Oh, a little bookstore. That’s so cute,” Natasha cooed.

“Fuck you,” was Alyssa’s terse reply.

Several gasps rose among the crowd.

“E-Excuse me?” Color rose to an unflattering shade in Natasha’s face.

Alyssa leaned closer to her and eyed her from head to foot. “I said—fuck you. I don’t need you looking down on me. I don’t care who you are.”

“Alyssa.” Nathan grasped her arm and whipped her around to weave through the crowd that had grown since they’d arrived. Where he could have easily scanned all the guests when they first walked through the door, now he had to force the way between bodies to get to the far end of the room. Leave it to Mark to invite more people than the room could hold with comfort, just to show off.

When they reached a door exiting to the hall, Nathan took it, shuffling a protesting Alyssa along with him. She yanked her arm free of his hold the moment they were alone and glared at him. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

“I apologize,” he began. “I know the atmosphere in there was not what you’re used to.”

“The atmosphere?” She shook her head and put her hands on her hips. “It was more than the atmosphere. It was the skank who felt like she had to make herself look good by belittling me.”

He extended a hand to her, but she moved away.

“Alyssa, you know your worth. Natasha didn’t insult you.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re defending her?”

“I’m not.” He felt the breach between them widening and searched for the right words. This was easier when it came to business. He didn’t care to manipulate Alyssa. “I just feel—”

“That I was the rude one when I said fuck her.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“I’m not stupid, Nathan. I know when a person smiles in my face and is cussing me out in their head. I’d prefer the honest type, but she’s so not it. Look, I’m sorry I embarrassed you.”

“You didn’t.”


“Alyssa…” He tried touching her again, but she moved out of reach.

“Don’t even. This is your world, and you’re welcome to it. I’m here for one purpose, and that’s to be your girlfriend for your parents. They’re not around, so have at it. Enjoy your friends.”

When she started walking away, he shouted after her, “Where are you going?”