Adam turned, facing him, ready for attack. He studied Roger from head to toe. “You’re not human!”

“Just figuring that out?”

Adam started for him, but Roger raised his hands in surrender.

“Whoa, guy, I don’t want to fight you. We both know who would win. I promise. Sakura is not with me.”

“Your word means nothing.”

“I realize that,” Roger said. He edged toward the door as if Adam didn’t see him. “How about this, then? You’re Adam Martinez, right? Sakura’s protector? You work for the Keiths. I wonder what Sakura and her family will think to learn you’re no longer human.”

The words were scarcely delivered before Roger disappeared.

Adam could have sworn he would be able to catch the man before he got out the door, which was why he made no move. The sneaky fuck was fast and much swifter than Adam would have believed. He wondered just what type of animal Roger was. Adam believed he knew the scent of a bear, any type of bear was yet to be seen, but he had no clue of Roger’s beast identity without prior knowledge.

He didn’t worry about Roger telling the Keiths about his change. The family meant little to him. Only Sakura, and maybe her sisters. If she didn’t reject him, it might be possible for them to reconcile, but that matter was for later. Right now he needed to locate Sakura to be sure she was safe. He considered asking Laila about how to track her but decided against it. Instinct seemed to say he could find Sakura no matter where she was on the planet. What he didn’t know was whether it had to do with how much he loved her or something different, something to do with the bear. Either way, he intended to find her soon.

Chapter Eight

Adam sat in the rental car watching the building where he had tracked Sakura. Her scent led beyond the gates, but he had hesitated to pursue her inside because of the armed guard. The sign on the building referred to this being a textile company, so why such high security? He didn’t buy it, and he didn’t like it that whoever ran this place had the woman he loved in there with him. All Adam waited for was night to fall, and then he would enter—guard or no guard. They would not know what hit them.

A text buzzed on his phone. He dug it from his pocket and read the display.

“Please, answer the phone, Mr. Martinez, for Sakura’s sake.” The bottom fell out of his world. Seconds later, the phone rang, and of course, he answered.

“You have three seconds to explain yourself before I find you and I kill you,” he said.

Sputtering on the other end of the line was quickly covered with a cough. Then the man spoke. His nasally pitch grated on Adam’s already thin nerves. “Please, calm down, Mr. Martinez. I assure you we will not harm Ms. Keith. We only want what’s best for our own kind.”

Adam assumed the man meant shifters. He might be one of them now, but he felt no allegiance, certainly not when they had Sakura. “Where. Is. She?”

“She’s safe. I notice you’re parked outside our facility. If you will come up to the guard and give your name, he’ll let you through. That’s better than storming in in your shifted form, right? Potentially drawing the authorities?”

While Adam didn’t care if the police knew about these people, he didn’t want them knowing about him. He’d likely be hauled into some lab and experimented on, and that would mean he couldn’t protect Sakura. For now, he would play along.

“Who am I speaking with?” he demanded.

“Deveron Montgomery.” The line went dead.

He turned over the car engine and drove up to the guard’s box. After he’d given his name, the guard raised the barrier and waved him through. Adam gripped the steering wheel until the leather squeaked, but he kept his gaze swinging side to side, looking for a trap. No one appeared until he had parked outside the main entrance. When he walked up to the door, a man unlocked the door. Adam stepped through and almost choked on the stench of fear. He pierced the man with a narrowed gaze.

“T-this way.” The man gestured toward the end of a long, dark hallway. Apparently, everyone had gone home for the day. Maybe all the humans, he surmised, because he scented quite a few shifters like his escort. While they walked, Adam allowed one side of his mouth to quirk upward. The guy refused to walk directly in front of him but chose rather the left side with way more space between them than necessary. He probably thought Adam would attack. Good, let him think that. He welcomed the fear and intimidation he produced in hopes it would get him answers. If the peaceful approach didn’t work, he would give in to the beast. The question was, would he come back from it without Laila’s help?

They turned a couple corners and then came upon a large conference room. Several men sat around the table, all watching with intensity as he passed the floor-to-ceiling glass until he reached the doorway. His escort darted into the room and almost ran to the opposite side of the table. Adam stopped to take them in. Every one of the twelve men present were the same animal, even as they appeared to be of various ethnic backgrounds. More than half were white men. Adam rolled his shoulders and fixed a steady gaze on each individual. He let the contained aggression that simmered on the surface come through loud and clear. To his surprise, most were not afraid, but they were cautious.

“Please, Mr. Martinez,” a man with a familiar voice said, and Adam realized he was the ringleader from the phone call. “Have a seat here. Can I get you refreshments, some coffee maybe?”

“This isn’t a social call. I’m here for Sakura. Why can’t I smell her anymore? What did you do?” He advanced on the man, and the people nearest took a step back.

“She’s not at this site,” the man said. “Like I said, we’re not going to hurt her. Mr. Martinez, please, if you take a seat, we can get down to business.”

Adam ground his teeth. “Stop with the damn Mr. Martinez. Me llamo Adam.”

“Lo siento,” came the response, and Adam blinked.

“I deal with many of your people in business, so I’m fluent in your language. If it makes you feel more comfortable, we can converse in your native tongue.”

“Forget it,” he snapped and decided to take a seat. He was outnumbered, and while he knew he could do major damage before anyone took him down, it wouldn’t necessarily help him find Sakura.