His chest rose and fell again, as if he breathed in her scent. “I can’t.”

“Nope, you can’t,” she agreed, grinning. Her pussy was worn out and starting to get sore, but she didn’t care. Glancing down, she took in his cock. Definitely, way bigger than it was the last time they’d shared a bed. Hell, if it were possible in the two days since she’d seen him, she would have thought the man got some kind of procedure, but Adam had never needed to be ashamed of his equipment, and he knew how to use it. “Come on, baby. I’m still wet.”

Adam lowered his eyelids so she couldn’t see his eyes. He clamped his jaw down, and when he touched her hips, she felt like he struggled with something. He stepped closer to her. The tip of his thick cock brushed her butt cheek. She shut her eyes. If this crazy man tries to get that thing in my butt, I will kill him.

Despite the butterflies in her belly, she couldn’t wait until he filled her. The way he stretched her was like being a virgin again, fresh and new, being schooled by her lover. She waited. Adam ran his shaft head over her cheeks. He replaced his member with fingers that pressed to her back entrance.

An angry growl pierced the air, and he plunged into her sex, deep and hard. She yelped at the sudden entry. Adam dragged her back a bit from the table, large hands engulfing her waist. He thumped hard, driving her forward. Just before her pelvis hit the table, his fingers were there, blocking the way, but that didn’t stop him from leaning over her body and grinding hard into her pussy. She lay on the surface, her breasts flattened under her. Adam pulled her back and drove in at incredible speed. Her mind spun, the sensations overwhelming. She whimpered his name, and his answer was a grunt. He didn’t stop pumping into her until she had come a second time. When she cried out, gasping and shaking, he raised her hips, pinched her clit, and stilled. The next instant, his hot seed flooded her pussy.

Sakura’s knees gave out, and Adam pulled back. He raised her in his arms and carried her to the bed. When he dropped her onto the mattress, she looked up at him, but he’d already turned away. The room plunged into darkness, and shortly after, the mattress sank under his weight. She licked her lips.


He didn’t answer. In the darkness, he fingered her pussy, and she winced. He pulled back and reached for her hand. Not even a fumble, she thought though the blinds were closed, and her eyes had yet to adjust to the lack of light. He guided her hand to his cock, and she was surprised to find it stiff. Damn, spend two days away from the man, and his libido shoots through the roof.

She wrapped her fingers around the shaft and began stroking slow and easy. Adam snaked an arm out and dragged her closer to him. A shudder passed over his big form as he lay in silence. “If you want, I can suck it.”

She didn’t like tasting her own essence, which was why Adam never kissed her after he’d gone down on her. She had always liked that in him.

Previous lovers tried to kiss her afterward as if they wanted to punish her for them having done it. None of them had lasted long.

When Adam still didn’t speak, she started to move so she could suck his cock, but his hold tightened. He had no intention of letting her go. She lay in his arms, stroking him, and after a long while, he came a second time, his come squirting into her hand and onto her belly. He let her go so she could get cleaned up, but by the time she returned from the bathroom, the man was ready again.

“A little rest,” she said, and he turned her over so she lay facedown on the bed. He climbed behind her, lining her body with his own. She felt his cock, tight and thick on her ass. His hands covered hers and then slid to her wrists. Nervous energy pulsed through her body, and she caught her bottom lip between her teeth.

“Por favor,” he whispered, his voice ragged. She understood then. Adam hadn’t spoken earlier because he couldn’t. Desire took such sharp hold of him, he’d been unable to do anything other than ravage her body.


He entered her once again from behind and didn’t stop until she collapsed from exhaustion.

Chapter Five

Sakura woke up to light pushing its way around the sides of the blinds, enough so she could make out Adam asleep at her side. She took a moment to study his beautiful body, her gaze roving from his handsome face to his big chest on down to his abs. When she reached his cock, her eyes widened. Damn, how the hell is it still so big soft?

She turned away from her lover’s perfection and slid to the end of the bed. A moan rose to her lips at the soreness between her legs and the ache in her back. She squinted at the far wall, expecting to see cracked plaster, but there was none. In fact, no one had come to complain about the noise they made, so she guessed the next room lay empty. Thank goodness for small favors.

Uttering tiny yelps, she made it to her feet and took a tentative step. The nightstand took most of her weight while she sucked in a breath. She worked her way to the wall and used it to inch along. Thank goodness the bathroom was situated on her side of the bed. She didn’t think she could make it from Adams’s side.

At last, she stepped onto the cool surface of the bathroom floor and then decided to run a bath rather than take her normal shower. The hot water went a long way toward easing the sore muscles, and she soaked until all the warmth faded. Tempted to run another bath, she resisted and brushed her teeth, washed her face with the morning cream she liked, and then brushed her hair. The tangled heap seemed a bit worse for wear after last night’s sexfest, but she could stand to wait until she returned home to have a stylist get it back to its usual luster. For now, she drew it into a ponytail and snapped a band into place. When all morning rituals were completed, she walked into the bedroom, plotting how she’d find clothes before Adam had the chance to see her naked. Her girly parts needed recovery time, and another session with him would kill her.

The bed lay empty.

Sakura blinked. Her eyes must be deceiving her. She scanned the room and checked for the clothes Adam had left in tatters on the floor. He had never left after they had sex. Always, they enjoyed breakfast together and spent most of their days in each other’s company for work and for pleasure. Adam leaving before she came out of the bathroom made her feel cheap and used, and she didn’t appreciate it. Never mind the hurt his actions evoked. She suppressed those and vowed to let him know what she thought of his treatment when she saw him next.

She walked to the table to look for her phone and remembered Adam had swiped everything to the floor. She found her phone under a chair and looked at the time. One thirty in the afternoon. Next, she checked the messages. No calls or texts from him, but Roger had phoned twice and left a text asking her to call him. She pressed her lips together and blinked to clear her vision. After the emotions died down, she called Roger.

“Sakura,” he blurted as if he’d been sitting by the phone. She smiled. Well, that went a little way to soothing her pride.

“Hey, Roger. Sorry I missed your call.”

“You were busy, I guess.” He paused as if she’d fill him in on her activities. She said nothing. He cleared his throat. “Um, I wanted to see if you’d have lunch with me. I have to apologize for last night.”

“What happened wasn’t your fault, Roger. If anyone deserves an apology, it’s you. How is your nose? Did the doctor say it was broken?”

“I’m fine. It wasn’t as bad as it looked.”

“Don’t try to act all macho. I’ve seen tons of broken noses in my line of work. Adam wasn’t himself last night. He hurt you, and I’m so sorry. If you talk to my dad, I know he’ll pay all your medical expenses, and if he doesn’t, let me know.”