“Not if I cut off Adam’s balls.”

This time her husband paled, and she and Shiya laughed.

“I’m pregnant,” Shiya moaned.

“You’re lying!”

Shiya shook her head. “Nope.”

“Wow, your little ones aren’t even two yet, Shiya.”

“I know. Stepladder kids like us.”

Sakura looked at her sister and grinned. “Your crazy behind is happy about it. I can see it in your eyes. You know it’s likely you’ll have another set of twins, right?”

Shiya grinned. “Yeah.”

“What about the obvious question?” Sakura asked her.


Sakura hesitated. “Are you going to get turned? I mean, I know they can’t do it, but what about another shifter?”

Shiya opened her purse and pulled a sheet of paper out. She unfolded it and smoothed it before handing it to Sakura. A list of names, addresses, and phone numbers extended down the page.

“This is a list of shift

ers, all bears, different kinds. Two are polar bears.”

“No way. Where did you get it?”

“Where do you think?”

“Roger,” Sakura answered. “That man is something else.”

“Yeah, I discussed it with the guys, and we agreed after I give birth to start the process of finding the right maker.”

“Wow, that’s awesome. I’m… I don’t know. I guess I’m glad for you. I’ve come to accept what I am, even embrace it. Adam and I are closer, and it feels so good sensing him, knowing how he feels, and being connected to him. I know you’ll experience an even greater closeness to Birk and Kotori.”

A tear slid down Shiya’s face, and she nodded. “I can’t wait. I felt like the oddball, but now I’m going to be one of you.”

“You were always one of us, baby sis. We love you.”

Shiya sniffed. “I love you, too. Okay, well let me get out of here and let you get some rest. I’ll come by the house in a couple days to visit with you and my new nephew.”

She kissed Sakura and Adam, and then snuggled with the baby, cooing to him. When Sakura was alone with Adam, he returned to her side and sat down. Sakura looked into the face of her sweet baby boy and noted how much like his daddy he looked. “Is he really okay, Adam?” she worried.

“Yes, he’s fine, Sakura.”

“You’re not just saying that?”

He shook his head and leaned down, breathing deep with his nose to the tiny chest. “Not only do I smell my scent and yours on him, but I smell the bear.”

Her eyes widened. “So he’s a bear shifter?”

“Looks that way. If you’re jealous, we can go again and try for a fox.”

“Boy, don’t even imagine touching me for a while!”