Kotori stroked her back and kissed her again. “Don’t worry. We wouldn’t expect you to. You could not survive it. We won’t make you do anything unsafe for humans. We promise you that. What we will do is pleasure your lovely body and bring you to multiple orgasms every day you’re with us. We’ll do a little experimenting as well.”
Intrigued, Shiya bit her lip. The gleam in Kotori’s eyes told her he had plans for her she didn’t want to miss out on. Even for a little while, she could stay. A few days might be nice, and no one could say she wasn’t doing her job.
“I don’t see why I can’t have my cell phone,” was her last argument.
“Your phone is modified to get reception even up here. Your family saw to that.” Birk cast her an accusing glare, for which she rolled her eyes in answer. “Our rules and our terms. You can take them or leave them.”
“I don’t see why you two are making all the rules and I’m making all the concessions.” Neither rose to respond to this argument, and Shiya huffed in annoyance. “Fine, I agree.”
“To everything?” Birk asked.
She nodded. “Let the games begin.”
“First things first.” Birk pointed to a huge backpack that appeared to be half her height.
She glanced from it to him. “You’re not asking me to lug that over here, are you?”
He grinned. “No, I want you to go and unpack it.”
She put her hands on her hips. “Have you brought me up here to be the maid, because I have to tell you, one, kiss my ass, and two, kiss my ass.”
Kotori smacked her ass. “All in good time. Go do as he asks.”
She decided to humor the two of them for the moment, but if things didn’t get interesting real quick, someone was getting an earful. When she unzipped the first section of the bag, she found packaged condoms. No surprise there. The next area contained clothing, but Birk ordered her to bypass those for the next zipper.
“Just how many compartments does this damn thing have?”
The third section caused her to gasp. An assortment of goodies clogged the space, from ropes to ribbons to sex toys. She reached in and pulled out a butt plug. She raised an eyebrow to the guys, but hid her excitement. Next, she pulled out lubricant and oil for heating, in a couple of different scents. The last two items had her confused. The plug made sense, but not the two sizes of dildos.
Kotori responded without her having to ask. “Remember we talked about anal sex.”
Oh yeah, she recalled, and his thick cock scared the crap out of her, even for her pussy. She swallowed, imagining it in her ass.
“I want to ease you into it,” Kotori said. “The two sizes will help us to take it slow. These two, and then Birk, and then me.”
Shiya’s emotions shot from fear straight to horny. What Kotori proposed was like getting four cocks, one after another. Okay, Shiya, calm down, girl. She thought about it. From what she’d learned about the two of them, Birk loved taking her more from the front, but Kotori had a fetish for anal sex. If she could take him the way he craved her, she might eventually be able to take them both at once. His plan seemed like the best way to go. Now what did they have in mind for the rope?
She curled a length of ribbon through her fingers and ran it over her cheek. “So do I get to tie you guys up with this?”
Birk grinned. He strolled across the room to the couch and sank onto it with easy grace. “Is that what you want?”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Something tells me you’d never let me do it. You like to be in control.”
“That’s true, but I also want to give you what you want.” He reached his hands over his head, stretching, and causing his shirt to pull over his hard-muscled chest. She wished he’d just take it off like Kotori did, and Birk smiled as if he knew her thoughts. “Is that what you want, Shiya? To have me at your mercy?”
“I might.”
“Then by all means . . .” He put his hands together, wrists touching at the sides, and held them out to her. She didn’t move. “Well?”
She looked from him to the ribbon and licked her lips. “Are you serious?”
; “Definitely.”
“And if I wanted to blindfold you?”
“I’m all yours.”