He slipped away after a moment and stood to search for his clothes. The slacks were on the chair. He recalled removing the shirt in the living room. Rather, she had removed it there. The pants were halfway up his legs when he remembered something else, and he spun to face her.
“Damn it. I didn’t use a condom!”
She sat up. “Don’t worry. I promise I’m clean.”
He frowned.
“And I’m on the pill. I never miss a dose. I wouldn’t try to trap you.”
The fact was, she wouldn’t. He knew her well enough to get that. For the first time, he began to wonder if he should forget this plan of making her fall in love and then dumping her. He’d never backed off teaching a person about crossing him. At the same time, he’d never set out to make a woman fall in love with him either. They just did without any prompting from him. I’m getting soft.
“You’re leaving now?”
“Yes.” He turned away from her and continued pulling on his pants. “I don’t know when I’ll see you next. I have a business trip.”
“Sure. No problem.”
The casual tone pissed him off. “I expect you to refrain from dates while I’m away.”
She climbed off the bed. “Oh you expect it, huh?” She sashayed out of the room, completely naked. He swore under his breath. This too was unlike him. He hadn’t cared one bit what his lovers did when he didn’t have time or the desire to see them, unless it reflected badly on him.
Melanie returned holding his shirt. He studied her face while he slipped into it. The little minx had no intention of making him any promises she would behave. She had no idea what had become of the last guy other than the new job.
When he’d stepped into his shoes and straightened, he tugged her into his arms and raised her chin. “I didn’t get your answer, Melanie.”
“You got it.” She smiled at him. “You just didn’t like it.”
She stretched to her toes and kissed him. “Have a good trip, Ryder. Maybe I’ll see you when you get back.”
He opened his mouth to ask what the hell that meant, but she disappeared into the bathroom and shut the door. He ground his teeth at the sound of the lock and then the shower coming on. Grumbling, he let himself out of the apartment and headed down to his car. On the highway, miles from her place, he recalled he’d planned to spring a Paris trip on her. Now he claimed to have a business trip that wasn’t until the week after next. Things had gone horribly wrong, and it was his fault. What was it about her that did this to him? He needed to rethink his next steps.
Chapter Five
“Hi, Ma,” Melanie said into the phone. “How are you?”
“Oh, Melanie, honey. It’s so good to hear your voice. I thought it was one of your father’s friends calling.”
Melanie chuckled. “Ma, you know you have caller ID, right?”
“Yes, but I’ve misplaced my glasses.”
“Did you try your head?”
Her mother laughed. “Yes, that’s the first place I checked. I’m not senile.”
“I know. How’s Dad?”
“He’s doing well. The herbs are helping with the arthritis pain.”
Melanie sighed. She knew her dad had refused to see a doctor other than to get the initial diagnosis. He preferred to use Chinese herbs, and she didn’t necessarily blame him given she’d seen them work well growing up, but the man was also stubborn.
“When are you coming home, Melanie? We miss you.”
Her parents considered their home hers, even though she’d moved out seven years ago. She didn’t mind. They respected her—at least her mother did—as an adult. Her dad still saw her as a little girl, and for a while he hadn’t spoken to her when she chose to go against his will and get a job and her own place rather than head straight to college. He had considered it wasteful for her to pay for an apartment when she had no family of her own. If he had his way, she would still live at home, waiting for some man to sweep her away.