“Beautiful name, Melanie, like the woman.”

“Thanks.” She smiled. “You’re pretty sex

y yourself.”

Surprise and then amusement flashed in his expression and she grinned.

She pulled her hand from his and tilted her head to the side. “What? You’re not used to getting compliments?”

He rubbed his chin, which made her wonder if he had stubble there from a long day. “Now that I think of it, I don’t usually get them. I’m called a lot of names, but sexy isn’t one of them.”

She laughed. “Can I guess what you’re called?”

He winced. “I have a feeling you know, and I don’t care to hear the words fall from such lovely lips. Now back to my original question. Will you join me for dinner?”

Myriad thoughts ran through her mind of whether she should accept or not. Ryder turned her on with the act of talking alone. When he touched her hand, she thought she’d jump him and demand to be taken back to his place, or hers, depending on who lived closer. She had dated handsome men before, and she’d always found it interesting that they went for a plump woman. Not because she didn’t think she deserved them, but because so few who looked as good as Ryder came across her path and were attracted to her. She accepted this fact because in her own way, she knew she was cute and could make the right person happy. Mr. Right just hadn’t come along yet.

“Okay, why not,” she decided at the spur of the moment. “Just let me get my sandwich. I can save it for tomorrow’s lunch. I don’t want to put the restaurant through the work of making it and not show up.”

Ryder nodded, and they headed into the restaurant.

Chapter Two

Melanie stood in the restaurant’s bathroom trying to do something about her makeup and freshen up at the same time. What had she been thinking saying yes to Ryder? She looked a hot mess, and it was only by the miracle of her favorite deodorant she didn’t smell like one too. Well he asked, so he better enjoy it or move on. She chuckled. This face was as good as it would get.

She started out of the bathroom to return to their table and spotted him lounging comfortably waiting. He had removed his suit jacket and laid it across the chair. His shirtsleeves rolled up revealed muscular arms with a sprinkling of dark hair on them. He looked vaguely familiar.

Steps away from the table, the name Ryder struck a chord, and she faltered. Ryder sprang from his seat in a flash and caught her just as she tumbled forward. If she’d planned it, her clumsiness couldn’t have come off better, because she landed in his arms.

“Are you okay, Melanie?” The rumble of his voice rolled over her, producing a thrill, but she suppressed it and pulled away.

“I’m fine, Ryder Neyland.”

He winced and released her. “You know who I am?”

“You were declared the eleventh most eligible bachelor in the United States, a billionaire. Who doesn’t know you?”

He propelled her to their table with a gentle hand at her lower back and waited for her to take a seat before he did as well. “I could have been in the top ten.”

She rolled her eyes and laughed. “Seriously, what are you doing talking to me?” Her insides had turned to mush at the realization of who he was. If she could get one forkful of food down her throat, it would be a miracle. Of all the people to run into, it had to be him. Then again, she was nobody. He wouldn’t know who she was.

He reached across the table and took her hand. “Am I not allowed to enjoy a beautiful woman?”

“Well there is that.” She tried to play it off, but her voice came out sounding breathless. She expected to see triumph in his gaze but found instead attraction and attentiveness. Was this how he conquered women? “I shouldn’t get involved with someone like you.”

“Someone like me? What do you mean?” Confusion colored the eyes she now saw were a brilliant blue.

“We’re in different leagues. You’re a playboy.” She slipped her hand from his grasp.

“So in other words, you’re afraid I’ll make you fall for me?” he teased.

She chuckled but didn’t acknowledge his words.

“Would that be so bad?”

She swallowed and looked at him. “Yes. Who wants to fall for a lady-killer?”

“It would be fun while it lasted.”