“Not even your dad?”
“Then how do you know it’s love?”
He thought about it. “Because I was miserable when you left on Sunday, aching to have you stay, but I was excited to know I would see you again. I can recognize a woman in love, and I dared to believe I saw it in your eyes. What I saw was what I felt—for you.”
He drew her closer and tangled his fingers in her hair. She wore no shoes, so the top of her head didn’t reach his chin. He leaned down and nuzzled his cheek in the soft cloud. “We can take it slow.”
She pulled back. “Really?”
“Yes. As long as it takes for you to be sure.”
“You have a lot of making up to do.”
“I know, and I will every day and every night.”
She smiled with genuine happiness that threatened to break his heart. This love thing scared the hell out of him, but the alternative of not having her was unacceptable. He had a lot of learning to do, and he would make sure his sexy angel taught him well.
Chapter Eight
Melanie lay on a towel on her belly and yawned sleepily. The boat rocked gently, and the waves splashing against its side took away every care in the world. Nothing could be better.
“Are you sleeping, angel?” a deep, rumbly voice asked. She could have creamed her panties listening to it. Hell, she’d done that plenty of times.
He sat down beside her on the narrow, cushioned bench, and she did her best to scoot over and moaned. “You’re too big.”
He leaned over her. “You didn’t say that last night.”
She laughed. “Funny.”
“Or this morning, or this afternoon.”
“Okay, okay. I get your point. Somebody thinks very highly of himself.”
He raised an eyebrow at her and reached for the back of her bikini, something she’d worn just for him. They were in semi-private being on his boat with no others nearby. At first she’d thought her curves too generous and her belly so far from flat, but Ryder had looked at her as if she were a holiday meal. Now she let him look all he wanted and even modeled for him.
“Let me help you put sunblock on your back,” he offered. “I don’t want that beautiful skin to burn.”
She smirked. “I already did it, sir. You just want to touch me.”
“Is that so wrong?”
“No.” She submitted to him as he squeezed a dollop of the cream into his hands and rubbed them together. Just as she expected, he moved nowhere near her back but started on her thighs and worked his way up between them. She bit her lip and smothered a moan when his fingers brushed her pussy. “Ryder.”
“I was thinking,” he said, cutting off her protest. “Why don’t you move in with me?”
She brushed his hands away and flipped over, sitting up. “I thought we were taking it slow.”
“Tomorrow is our first anniversary, angel.” He touched her cheek. “That’s slow enough.”
“Boy, when you’re ready, you don’t hold back.”
“Do you doubt my love?”
She lowered her gaze and drew her knees up to wrap her arms around them. Ryder had been devoted, seeing her as often as his schedule allowed. If she made even the smallest peep of dissatisfaction with something, he made it right. He didn’t spout love sonnets, but the man spelled out with his actions what he felt for her.