
He chuckled and squeezed her middle. Somehow she thought he’d moved his hands lower so his fingertips grazed her clit. “I’ll go over it again.”

She sucked in a deep breath and blew it out. “No, I’ve got it. Let’s go.”

Good thing she’d watched him start the engine when they began. Not that it entailed more than holding a green button and waiting. He nodded encouragement, and soon she had them flying on the waves. They spent the better part of the morning riding around, passing a few people and waving. Then they returned to the house, changed, and got ready to go out to lunch. Melanie enjoyed every second in Ryder’s presence, laughing and teasing him at one point and letting him chase her the next.

They watched more movies, this time ones he hadn’t seen, and Melanie caught him hiding a yawn. She enjoyed the realness of his boredom with the clichéd storylines to his pretense, and they ended the first night dancing barefoot on the veranda to the melody of soft music and the lap of the water as it brushed the shore.

Chapter Seven

Ryder pulled his cell phone from his pocket and checked the text message that had just come in. His source confirmed his thoughts and offered names and dates. He clicked a few keys rapid fire, transferring the funds from his private account in payment for the information. Then he made a couple of phone calls. When everything was in place, he stood from his desk, lips tight. He stabbed the headset on his ear. “Jodie, I’m going to be out for an hour, probably less. Did you take care of what I asked you to?”

“Of course.”

“Bring it—”

Christian burst into the office and Ryder frowned at him.

“Jodie, I’ll call you back.” He disconnected from her and turned to his cousin. “I don’t have time to share my personal life with you right now, Christian. I’m headed out. I’ll give you the details later.”

Christian slapped him on the back as he passed. “You’re getting it in the middle of the day? I’m telling you I want to be you, bro.”

“Who says I’m about to have sex? I have to go.”

Ryder walked away from the knowing chuckle and headed to the elevator. He walked the couple of blocks to the restaurant and remembered he hadn’t told Jodie where he was going specifically. He texted her the info as he took the seat the waiter led him to. Fifteen minutes later, Shana Lewis entered and he signaled for her to join him.

He had to admit the leggy woman was beautiful but she knew it, the way she approached him, sashaying, her thin lips pursed. Several men turned their heads to watch as she passed by, but Ryder remained unimpressed. A few months ago, he might have sampled a woman like her, but she no longer held appeal. The information he had gathered on her indicated she was not the empty-headed bimbo she appeared to be. She held a Bachelor’s in Web design and had graduated near the top of her class. Yet she didn’t rely on her smarts or her education.

She drew up to the table and paused as if giving him a chance to take in the view of her perfect legs. “Ryder Neyland, I was surprised when you called me. I didn’t know you knew I existed.” The sweetness to her tone grated on his nerves. He took his time standing and indicated a chair.

“I didn’t,” he assured her and had the satisfaction of seeing her flush. “I know of you only because of Melanie. Sit down.”

Offense radiated off her but she sat. He knew by his tone she’d started to realize this meeting wasn’t what her vanity had told her it was. He cut to the chase because he didn’t care to spend more time than necessary in her presence.

“From this moment on, Melanie is gone from your life.”

Shana’s eyes widened and she tittered. “What are you talking about? I knew you rich guys were controlling, but really? Choosing her friends?”

He reached across the table and grabbed her wrist. His anger, a rare sight, bubbled to the surface. “You’re not her friend. In fact, you never were.”

He had to give her credit. She maintained the smile on her face, but her eyes flashed fire. “I don’t know what—”

“Quiet,” he snapped in a low tone, and she fell silent. “You’re the one who stole her designs. You covered your tracks by fucking your boss. As long as you kept spreading your legs, he gladly gave you whatever you wanted.”

“So now you’re going to tell Melanie?”

“No, she doesn’t need to know. Like I said, you’re out of her life.”

Shana wrenched her arm free and sat back in her chair. “I don’t care. I’m out of there anyway. You’re right. I was sleeping with the boss, but he doesn’t have enough clout or connections to get me where I wanted to go. I just gave my notice today. I have a bigger, better deal.”

Shana flipped her hair over her shoulder, a self-satisfied grin on her face.

Ryder smiled as well. “You mean the offer from Coverton?”

Her smile faded.

“No one crosses me or mine, Ms. Lewis. Have a nice day.”