She whispered to him, eyes wide, hand half covering her mouth. Everyone in the lobby stared at them. Smiles were plastered the people’s faces. Eyes shone with the magnificence of romance, while Chanda’s gut turned to mush.
Steven didn’t move.
“Did you hear me?” She tried to get him up, grabbing his arm, and then she noticed there was no light of amusement in his eyes. He wasn’t joking. This crazy man was dead serious. “You meant it when you said if all else fails, we should get married.”
“My arms are getting tired.”
“You don’t know what happened.”
“I don’t need to know.”
“That ring looks real.”
“It was my grandmother’s.”
Her mouth fell open. The only way she could get him up was to walk out. He would most certainly follow. While she didn’t want to embarrass him, at least he wouldn’t be hurt if she appeared to reject his offer.
Wait, ‘appear’ to? I’m not actually considering this nut’s proposal.
She walked out of the hotel lobby, and sure enough Steven scrambled to his feet to follow. When she started left, he grabbed her arm and guided her right. “My car is this way.”
She side-eyed him. “You’re not hurt that I left you kneeling there.”
“My knees were beginning to ache.”
She snorted in laughter. “You’re not romantic at all.”
His eyebrows rose. “Were you looking to be romanced? I supposed I could flip through my manual.”
“Dummy.” She grinned. He’d managed to lift her spirits just a bit. “I like you, Steven.”
“Before you know it, it will be love. Marriages have begun with less.”
“I’m not marrying you.”
“I’m heartbroken.”
They climbed into his car, and he peeled out of the parking lot. “Tell me what happened.”
She did. He nodded and asked questions here and there. When she got to the admission of losing the baby and why, it felt easier to share. Maybe it was because of Garner’s acceptance of the news without condemning her.
Steven pulled to the side of the room and slammed a fist into the steering wheel. He climbed out of the car and paced. When he turned back in her direction, she saw the agony in his expression. After some time, he joined her in the car again and started driving.
“That’s the worst news for him.”
“I know.”
Steven took her hand and held onto it. “We’ll get him.”
“No, Steven. I’m done. I have to go, or I’ll do something more that I regret. I’m not coming between them. It doesn’t matter to me that you don’t like Marcella. What matters is his happiness, and I’m determined not to believe I’m the best thing for him.”
“Wake up,” he snapped.
She jumped.
“Do you think she’s a good person? Do you think he deserves her? You said she was tracking him. This is Garner we’re talking about. He’s good and loyal. She doesn’t have a reason to doubt him unless she wants to control him.”