“A fake bandage?”
“You know what I mean. You acted like the damsel in distress, knowing what kind of man Garner is. He can’t help running to save a woman from the bad guy. That’s who he is.”
“I agree.”
She pointed a finger in Chanda’s face, her voice rising as she spoke. Several heads turned in their direction. “So you admit it!”
“God, leave me alone. If you want to be hateful, go do it in the corner. I’m not interested in playing along.”
Marcella, Garner, and Steven walked into the room. Marcella was the first to speak. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” both Chanda and Lanae asserted.
Lanae ran to Marcella and dragged her farther into the room. “Come on, girl. Everyone has been waiting on pins and needles for you to share how you met Garner. They want to hear all the juicy romantic details.”
Marcella giggled happily as her guests focused on her. Chanda moved to one corner of the room and found a wall to lean against. While she watched Marcella hold court in the center of the room, she was half aware of the delicious scent of something familiar. She wondered what was on the menu tonight.
“You have to admit she cleans up good,” Steven said at her side.
She jumped and looked up at him. “That old rag?” she teased, insinuating Marcella had probably spent a month’s worth of income on her new dress.
Unlike Lanae, Marcella wearing a form fitting dress worked. The delicate material highlighted her curvy figure and drew the eyes of one and all. She could rival a pop star in presence—that is, if she could sing. Musical talents didn’t matter since Marcella captured everyone’s attention with her embellished story about how she had met Garner. Marcella told Chanda a different story over the phone before she came back to town.
“I didn’t realize you disliked her so much,” she said.
“Dislike is a weak sort of word.”
“Don’t people usually say hate is a strong word?”
“They do.”
She studied Steven’s handsome face and noticed just beyond him Garner watched the two of them rather than his fiancée.
“Shouldn’t you act like you can get along with her for Garner’s sake?”
Steven’s mouth tightened. “Garner knows me. I smile and joke a lot, but I’m always myself.”
“Sounds contradictory.”
He shrugged. “I won’t pretend. She’s a gold digger, and I apologize if that hurts your feelings because she’s your cousin.”
Chanda said nothing. A light of mischief entered Steven’s eyes. He excused himself but only stepped a few feet away and turned his back. Marcella’s story seemed to enthrall Steven. His chosen position cut off Chanda’s view of her cousin and vice versa. Chanda wondered what his game was until Garner took the place of his best friend at her side.
“Tell me honestly why you’re with him, Chanda. I thought you were already seeing someone.”
“I don’t think it’s any of your business.”
“I’m concerned.”
“Worry about Marcella.”
“Steven has never been serious about any woman. He likes to go from woman to woman, and he’s never to my knowledge had a serious or long term relationship.”
“Thanks for the info.” She started to move away from him, but he touched her arm. The second they made contact he snatched his hand away. Chanda raised her glass to her lips and sipped while checking out the guests in the room. No one appeared to pay them any mind.
“Please,” he whispered. “Let’s not fight.”
“I don’t want to either.” She made a quick decision. “There’s something I want to talk to you about. Can we meet tomorrow?”