He crushed her to his chest, holding her up with one arm. With his other hand, he tickled her until she shrieked and begged for mercy.

“This is payback.” He whirled her around the tiny kitchen like she weighed nothing.

“Stop, Declan. You’re going to make us sick. If I throw up on you, don’t say nothin’.”

He whipped her around a few more turns then set her on her feet. She tried to smack him, but her head spun and she wobbled. The idiot laughed his head off. He didn’t even look as dizzy as she felt.

“You play too much.”

“I don’t play enough.”

“You would like that, wouldn’t you? Goofing off all day, getting nothing done.” She shook her head. “I don’t know why I put up with you.”

“Because I’m charming.”


Before they could tease each other any further, her doorbell rang. She started for the door, but he pulled her back. “I’ll get it.”

“No, you get the laundry going. That small machine is going to take us all day.” Before he could argue, she hurried to answer the door. Her head cleared on the way, and she opened the door to her little sister. “Lachelle, what are you doing here?”

Her sister was already looking past her. “Is Declan over here? I know you slave drive him every weekend.”

“Who slave drives him?” She put her hand on her hip. “And what does that have to do with you?”

Lachelle wore denim shorts, cut from an old pair of jeans. Her button-up lilac top was tucked in at the front and left to hang out at the back. She’d paired this simple outfit with cute sandals and a bit of jewelry. She looked like she was going on a date or trying to impress someone with her figure. “You said you don’t want him, right? You two aren’t seeing each other.”

“I didn’t…uh…” Janessa thought better of admitting what she felt for Declan. All she needed was for her family to start pushing. Lachelle had a big mouth. It would be a matter of time before they all knew. “So? You want him?”

“I want a baby.”


“He looks like he has good genes. I want a baby, and I don’t mind making one with him. God, can you imagine her skin and hair? Yes!”

“Lachelle, you’re not serious.”

“I’m dead serious. Like I said, girl. You’re letting all that go to waste. I’m in. Oh, by the way, who is that guy hanging around outside? Who does he have his eye on?”

“Huh? What guy?”

Her sister pulled her over to the balcony doors. They stepped out onto balcony and looked around. All Janessa saw was the usual neighbors coming and going. The complex was a quiet one, and she enjoyed living there. Normally, no one skulked about.

“He was right there.” Lachelle pointed. “It looked like he was staring up at your place, but I’m not sure.”

A chill raced down Janessa’s back. “You’re kidding. He didn’t look dangerous, did he?”

“He could give Declan a run for his money.”

Janessa shivered again. “And you said he looked questionable?”


Janessa trusted Lachelle’s judgment. Her sister had considered being a police officer a few years back, but her fiancé at the time, who was a cop, had been killed. Lachelle’s dream died when her heart broke. Now, she wasn’t interested in anything serious. Apparently, her aim was to have a baby without the relationship.

“Well, he’s gone now,” Janessa said with relief. “It was probably nothing.”

“Who’s gone?” Declan joined them on the balcony. “How’s it going, Lachelle? You’re beautiful as usual.”