
“And don’t even think about touching my clothes. The last time, you turned all your whites pink.”

“That was three years ago.” He strolled into her kitchen to the stacked washer and dryer in the corner. Both of them lived in an apartment complex, and Declan had a washer and dryer at his place. Somewhere along the line, they had fallen into doing these unwanted chores together. Sometimes she wondered how things would be once either of them brought a significant other into their life.

“It feels like last week,” she quipped.

“That’s because you won’t let me forget it. You women doh…”

“‘Doh?’ Boy, you know you’re white, right?”

He shrugged.

While Declan hefted his two heavy laundry baskets to the kitchen, she checked the fridge to see if she had anything to feed him. Declan could eat enough for three grown men. She didn’t know where he put it.

He bent over the basket, sorting clothes on the floor. She checked out his rear, which was all tight muscle. He wore loose sweatpants today, but she had seen his legs in shorts plenty of times. Declan’s thighs were solid as steel with a dusting of dark hair covering them.

As far as she knew, Declan didn’t work out much. Yet, his body stayed tight and fit. Not only did he have a great body, he had a face to match. Handsome with a strong jawline, he had to shave regularly or he would have a full on beard. All the same there was always a scattering of fine hair on his jaw and chin.

The silver eyes were her favorite. They drew her in, always distant even when he smiled. Declan claimed to care about little, and she wondered if that included her. On the other hand, he was a born liar and good at it. He had to be for what they did for a living.

That’s why she could never be with him. If he said he loved her, how could she believe it? If he promised to be faithful, how would she know? She saw Declan in action so often, and he managed to reinforce time and again he wasn’t the one.

“How about you sort, I wash, and I fold after they’re all done?” he offered.

She eyed him. “In exchange for what?”

“Remember those cheesesteak subs you made last week?”

“I should have known you were hungry. Do you even have food at your house?”

“Why should I? I eat here, or I hit a restaurant.”

“I bet you’ve got beer.”


“That reminds me. How’s the head?” She was glad for the excuse to zip over and touch his forehead. He stood a good head and a half taller than her, maybe more. She had to rest a hand on his chest and stretch up to her toes to reach his head. Okay, not really, but a woman was sometimes tempted beyond her control. Declan didn’t seem to mind when she was overprotective.

“I’m fine.” His cheeks colored, but he let her touch his forehead. As usual, his skin was cool to the touch. Desire stirred in her belly being so close to him. She wanted nothing more than to step into his arms and kiss him.

The closed off expression in his eyes kept her from making a fool of herself. She licked her lips and ducked her head quickly then stepped away. “Good because I’m not a nurturer. You’ll find yourself whining alone if I have to take care of you.”

She moved back to the refrigerator, but he stepped up behind her and leaned his chin on her shoulder. “You’ll let me die with a deadly virus and won’t even blow my nose?”

“Ew, gross. Blow your own nose. We’re close but not that close.”

He chuckled and moved his face closer to hers until their skin touched. All sense of what the heck she was supposed to be doing left. Her mind went blank. Nothing felt so right as to be skin to skin with Declan, even if it was just their cheeks.


take some of my cooties,” he joked.

“Declan, you idiot. Stop p-playing.” Her breath exited her body in a shaky pant. She elbowed him, but she might as well have elbowed a wall. Not that it hurt, but his body didn’t give an inch.

He wrapped his arms around her from behind and zipped her off her feet. She screamed, laughing out of control.

“Put me down, dummy.”