She swatted his hand away. “I’m fine. I just heard some interesting news.”
“We can discuss it over lunch.” He started to rise and hesitated. “Are you sure you’re okay? You know you can talk to me.”
God, she adored this man. “Was the news you got something bad?”
“Not sure. I’ll know more later.”
He was always open and up front with her now. She touched his cheek and felt the new growth there. Her entire body was so starkly aware of him—on every level.
“This life and everything about it is so new. Even after eight months of knowing what you are and watching you lead your people like you were born for it, I’m mind-boggled. Not to mention…” She rubbed her belly. “I’m terrified of giving birth in a couple months. I mean what if something goes wrong?”
“You’re imagining a horror film, aren’t you?”
“No,” she lied.
He pulled her up from the chair and sat down to place her on his lap. As she laid her head against his shoulder, he whispered soothingly in her ear. He was the most loving man on earth.
“Remember, baby. My people are healers. Birth will be a breeze for you.”
“You forget I’m not a shifter. This baby is going to hurt coming out one way or another.”
He ran a hand down her back, and she could have sworn warmth spread throughout the area, relieving some of the achy muscles. “You once helped me to heal, and I promise to
help you. Do you believe me when I tell you everything will be fine?”
She gazed into his eyes. “Absolutely. I know now that you were always honest and true at your core. I trust you, and I love you, Declan.”
He kissed her long and deep, and she forgot all about lunch and the fact that they weren’t alone in the tiny cabin. A clang of a lid against a pot broke them apart, and Declan chuckled before kissing her again.
“In two months, we’ll prove to any doubters that you are my intended mate by you giving birth to my baby. Directly after that, we get married. Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
He set her on her feet. “Good. So am I. No one will ever come between us again, and we will never be apart. I guarantee it.”
* * *
The End
About the Author
Tressie Lockwood has always loved books, and she enjoys writing about heroines (and this time a hero) who are overcoming the trials of life. She writes straight from her heart, reaching out to those who find it hard to be completely themselves no matter what anyone else thinks. She hopes her readers enjoy her stories.
A Note From Tressie,
I would like to thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, please take a moment to review it and to let a friend know about me. A good review can help an author reach more people, and others will take a chance like you did. Thank you for your help, and happy reading.
- Tress
Also by Tressie Lockwood
Shona and Neena
* * *
Planning His Wedding
The Bribe and the Baby