“You’re getting excited because I want to be the only one cooking for you, aren’t you?”

His eyes widened. “Who me?”

“Yes, you.”

He drew her back when she would have moved out of his arms and massaged her back while he held her. She almost melted into a puddle on the ground.

One of his men ran up. “Sir, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

Declan didn’t pause in rubbing her back. “What’s up?”

The man hesitated and glanced at Janessa. “In private, sir.”

Janessa pulled out of Declan’s arms. He was hesitant to let go, but she pushed his chest. She and he both knew many of his people hadn’t yet accepted her. Many did, and some bent over backward to try to please her—hence the maid and other helpers.

Everyone acknowledged that Declan was the established leader of their people. Apparently, the fact that he could breathe fire—something only those in his line could do—his position wasn’t to be disputed without a fight. After he breathed fire to rescue her from Roxie and her boyfriend, none of Patrick’s men wanted to come against Declan.

By the time the dust settled with putting out the fire Declan had started and with Declan caring for her after she fainted, Patrick had disappeared into the night, along with his daughter and a small handful of his most loyal followers.

Oddly enough, Patrick’s future son-in-law stayed with Declan, letting his fiancée go. No one knew where any of them went, and so far Declan didn’t give an order to locate them.

Janessa wished stupid Roxie and her boyfriend had disappeared, but it was too much to ask. The two of them ended up begging Declan for forgiveness and pledging loyalty to him. Janessa remained skeptical, but they kept their heads down.

By the time Janessa reached her cabin, one of the women who assisted her stood in the doorway, holding out Janessa’s phone. “Ma’am, I was just about to bring this to you.”

“Stop calling me ma’am, for pete’s sake. I’m younger than you.”

The woman apologized. “Sorry, Janessa. Here you are.”

The phone rang, and Janessa noticed the call came in from her sister. She hurriedly answered since she hadn’t spoken to Lachelle for a while—not since her sister had gone on an extended trip with her new beau and only checked in whenever she got around to it.

“Lachelle!” Janessa waddled to a chair and dropped into it. She noticed the thickness of her ankles and frowned. “How’s it going? I can’t believe you finally called. Tell me you’re back in town so I can come visit.”

“Not yet, but soon.”

“Are you bringing him to meet me? Mom and Dad are complaining that you’re keeping him a secret, and I don’t know what to tell them.”

Janessa didn’t complain too much, especially since none of her family knew exactly where she lived or that her fiancé was a shape shifter. That secret would keep until her grave, if she had anything to say about it. Declan tried his best to convince her to let the apartment go, which she rented to keep up appearances. So far, she wasn’t having it.

“Since it’s you, I think I can tell you.” Her sister sighed dramatically. “He’s the one, sis. I’m sure of it. We’ve even talked about having babies.”

“Whoa, that’s huge.”

“His name is Skip, and he’s wonderful.”

Janessa frowned. Where did she know that name from? Then it came back to her, the guy who had been researching shifters and had led her to the bar where she met Roxie. In fact, it had turned out that every person in that bar was a shifter, except her and Skip. What was his last name?

“Skip what?” she asked her sister.

Lachelle laughed. “Oh, I see, you want to make sure I checked him out thoroughly. Girl, do you know who you’re talking to? Anyway, it’s Skip Hunter. Real white boy stuff, right?”

Janessa pretended to laugh as a cold chill raced down her back. How much of a coincidence was it that Skip Hunter—she was sure it was the same guy—would meet and fall in love with her sister?

“Where did you meet him?”

Lachelle launched into a long and detailed story, singing this guy’s praises the whole way. No matter what she shared, Janessa couldn’t help feeling suspicious. She had nothing to go on. After visiting that bar with him and having Declan rescue her, Janessa had heard no more from Skip. Now he was in love with her sister and talking about having kids?

After Lachelle agreed they would meet for dinner in a week’s time, Janessa ended the call. Declan strolled in the door a few minutes later. He took in her expression and rushed to her. “Are you okay?”