“I’ll take care of you.”
“And who will take care of you, Declan?” She was serious, bringing him amusement in this time of misery.
“I suppose we could ask them for supplies and you could make me a cheesesteak sub to replace tonight’s dinner.”
“You think you’re funny. I’m worth more to you than a hot meal!”
He drew her into his arms. “Of course.”
“I know. I’m just… Teasing, I guess, so I don’t go crazy.” She kissed his shoulder and stroked his bare back. No one had given him a new set of clothes. “Declan, they were so cruel to you. It breaks my heart that they would put you down and make fun of you because of what happened. You lost your whole family, and those idiots are complaining that you’re not what they want you to be. It burns me up. I wish I could fight them for you.”
He smiled. “Thanks, but don’t you dare try to go up against Patrick.”
“I said I wish I could. I’m not crazy. That fight back there was brutal. I was so scared. I’ve never seen you like that. You were bigger. How did you grow bigger?”
He shrugged. “Genetics.”
“Don’t be afraid of me, Janessa. I’ll never hurt you.”
“I’m not scared of you, buddy,” she teased. “Don’t fool yourself.”
He scanned the area around them and spotted a pile of thick material. Upon closer inspection, he discovered it was a tent. No poles or anchors though, but perhaps they could lay atop the tent to keep them dry and away from the dusty floor. He planned to cover as much of Janessa as possible to make sure she was warm enough.
“Let’s get some rest. I’m hoping a plan will come to mind by morning.”
She hesitated. “What about Roxie? Maybe if she knew you were in trouble, she could gather some men to help fight Patrick.”
He saw in Janessa’s expression how she hated even considering getting help from Roxie. Fresh shame washed over him that he’d allowed his relationship with Roxie to hurt Janessa.
What he had told Janessa was true. He didn’t love Roxie. He barely liked her. Still, she was one of his people. She could take care of herself. Of course, if she were in danger, he would help her. The fact that she’d accepted his loss of position and power had been the only other motivator for him to take her as a mate.
“I didn’t tell her where I was going when I left to find you. I hoped to get out of here before she discovers I’m gone and put herself in danger.”
“How will she know where to find you?” Janessa yawned. Her eyelids had grown heavy. He doubted she knew what she asked or heard the answer.
“By scent.”
“Bloodhound?” She yawned again and dropped down on the tent after he spread it out.
“We’re not canines. They aren’t the only ones who have a great sense of smell.”
He lay down facing her, and she touched his cheek. A thrill raced through his body. Not bothering to explain his reason, he scooped her closer until their lengths touched. She settled her face against his chest, sighing.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you.” Her voice was muffled.
“I’m not.”
For a long while, she remained silent. He thought she had fallen asleep. After a while she raised her head. He studied her beautiful face in the dim lantern light. All of his being ached to be closer to her and to never part. Soon he would have to put her from him, maybe find a place for her to be safe. How? He’d told her he would never leave her, but if it meant she would be safe so be it.
His heart throbbed.
“Declan, will you bring out your wings?”