“What truth?” She knew he was about to talk about the shifter thing. The memory of Patrick’s hand ran through her head. “You don’t have to tell me anymore.”
Declan turned away from her and removed his shirt. She didn’t get why he was being shy. They had slept together. She’d seen more than his naked chest and back before.
And then he changed. Wings sprouted from his back and grew toward the floor, heavy and unbelievable.
Chapter 14
“This is the shame I’ve brought on my family, Nessa.”
They were alone. The sun had gone down. She wasn’t sure when it dipped low on the horizon. Perhaps it was as she stood in shock for so long, mesmerized by the sight before her.
Declan has wings!
She dared to move closer to him, taking in the appendages that sprung from his back and stretched all the way to the floor. In fact, the tips brushed the carpet and would have dragged just a little if he walked. Every now and then he moved his shoulder blades, and the wings rose a little. His muscles could control the wings to such an extent that they wouldn’t drag.
A cry tore from her throat as she noticed that one of the wings was gnarled, curled in on itself just a bit. She didn’t have to know much about his people and their ways to know that this wing was broken and wouldn’t hold his weight if he tried to fly.
Tentatively, she brushed fingertips over the injured wing, and her heart cracked a little more. “Declan…”
Tears filled her eyes and fell down her cheeks. She wanted to ask him what happened but couldn’t push the words past her lips. Even with the feathery touch, he seemed to feel it and flinched a little. He didn’t move away, so she continued to explore.
“Does it hurt?” She sniffled.
“Sometimes, when I bring them out. I think it’s all psychological.”
“Oh God, Declan, they’re beautiful.”
“I’m an eyesore.”
“Don’t say that!”
She dipped under the wings, forgetting her shock and fear and pressed herself to his back. His skin burned hot like he had a fever. He shook a little, but he didn’t make a sound. She expected him to shove her away, but he seemed to need her touch. Searching for words to express the heartbreak she felt on his behalf, she willed him to understand her sentiment in the hug.
“As you can see, I’m not worthy of you, Janessa.”
“What, and you’re worthy of her?” She couldn’t stomach speaking Roxie’s name at that moment.
“I don’t love her.”
They stood in silence. He insinuated he loved Janessa and snatched it away in the next breath. He was still talking like he would never marry her or never be her lover again. It hurt. She wanted to turn away from him, but the strength to do so didn’t come.
“I love you, Declan. Isn’t that enough?”
She moved around to face him. His good wing flapped out to the side, creating a gentle breeze. The straggler tried to mimic its mate and caused just a stir. She had the feeling he was about to put them away.
“Don’t. Please. I like them. They’re…cool.”
He looked into her face as if to judge whether she humored him. When he was satisfied that she spoke the truth, he pushed the wings aside like the tails on a fancy tux jacket and sat down. She joined him, moving close without climbing on his lap, and waited for him to speak.
“My parents were the leaders of my people. We interacted with humans without a problem. Many worked jobs among them, owned businesses, which employed them, et cetera. It was always my parents’ belie
f that we should have a sanctuary away from humans, where we could live free to be ourselves without hiding.”
“You mean no human knew you guys existed?”
“Yes. That’s how it’s been for thousands of years.”
“Wow, seems impossible. You’d think the truth would leak out at some point.”