His eyes widened.

“Oh yeah, I knew. One guy had the nerve to demand that I call off my attack dog. He said we would have had fun, but I’m not worth it if he gets hurt.”

Declan frowned. “Which one said that?”

“Why do you want to know, so you can straighten him out?”

He appeared sheepish. “I only wanted to keep you safe. Some of those men were predators.”

“That’s a harsh word.”

“What other word should I use for a man who would lie to a woman to get her to sleep with him?”

“You’re one to talk about liars.”

They stared at each other, neither giving an inch. Everything inside her wanted to end this argument and to go back to the way things were. She knew he did everything he could to protect her.

“At first it infuriated me to think you felt like I couldn’t take care of myself, that I needed you to sort my dates out before I could trust them. I felt like you were patronizing me.”

He started to speak, but she held up her hand.

“Then I came to the conclusion that you weren’t looking down on me like I can’t take care of myself. You are my friend, and I know you care, Declan. I have good qualities, and I’m strong. The same goes for you. I don’t have to look at your help and see it as you think you’re better or stronger. I can simply accept it for what it is. That’s why I’ve never said anything.”

“I should have talked to you more. It wasn’t my right to run them off.”


“I apologize.”

She shook her head. “You’re not sorry, but I will be more careful if you’re not there. I’m not going to automatically trust some guy I don’t know. It makes sense, as a woman, to vet people I meet on line.”

“Good. I’m not leaving you.”

Her heart ached. “Declan, don’t say anymore. I have a lot to take care of this morning and over the next few days.”

He dropped into the seat on the opposite side her desk. The man could be so stubborn.

“I waited until you finished crying before I came in.”

Her breath caught in her throat. “E-excuse me? I wasn’t…”

“Who’s lying now?”

She busied herself rifling through the filing cabinet behind her desk. It meant she could turn her back to him and he wouldn’t see the shock and embarrassment on her face. Not that she hadn’t cried in front of Declan before. He’d held her many times over the last decade and talked her off many emotional cliffs.

He moved around the desk and leaned on it. From the corner of her eye she took in his thighs, hidden behind his slacks but still so very muscular and attractive.

Jeez, get a grip, Janessa.

Roxie waited for him in his office, she reminded herself. The woman who looked like a supermodel and knew it, the woman who had intimate knowledge of Declan that Janessa would never have.

“Well, I was quiet. There’s no way you heard me cry unless you stood at the door with your ear pressed to it.”

He grinned. “I have good hearing.”


He grew serious. “I want to tell you something.”