“Girl, a woman’s got to do what she has to do. As I was saying, you’ve stamped him.”

Janessa groaned.

“All that’s left is to convince him it’s not a bad thing to give in to a permanent relationship. He’ll be happier if he does.”

“God, you’re aggressive. I’m expecting any day now for you to bonk a guy over the head and tell him you’re having his baby like it or not.”

“Not a bad idea.”

“Lachelle, for real?”


Janessa couldn’t help feeling a little excited about what her sister advised. It was true that her life and Declan’s were so intertwined already and that the sex had taken it to another level. Even if they agreed nothing would change, there was no way the relationship wouldn’t evolve.

“Oh, about that guy watching your house, Nessa. I’m not convinced that has nothing to do with Declan and his issues. To be sure, I’m going down to the station where Byran worked and see what I can find out.”

Janessa reached across the table to touch her sister’s hand. “You haven’t been there since he died. You don’t have to do that, Lachelle.”

“It’s time. Besides, I miss the guys. I’ve been avoiding any hint of the police for fear of cracking my heart open again, and enough is enough. I’m stronger than that.”

“Good for you. If you want, I can go with you.”

“No, let’s go back for that dress you were looking at. You can wear it to the office and make Declan fall at your feet. Matter of fact, we should try to find something that will have him drooling and remembering what you looked like the other night with nothing on.”

“Lachelle, you’re impossible.”

“You know I’m right.”

“Hey, I didn’t disagree. Let’s go.”

Janessa sailed across the room, fully aware that she looked amazing. The dress she wore was designed with her in mind. Just enough leg peeked through the slit in the side of the skirt. The heels were a bit more than she was used to, but she had walked in them until her ankles ached and her toes throbbed.

Several male heads turned in her direction, but she didn’t allow her gaze to settle on anyone other than her target. His business partner thought he might be in bed with a rival and wanted proof. Declan had been following the man for several days, but had turned up nothing.

Janessa decided it was time to turn on some feminine charm. She stopped before an African American man in a dark suit as he raised a glass of champagne to his lips. While he wasn’t exactly handsome, he wasn’t hard on the eyes, certainly not since he had money and brains. Janessa hoped his partner was mistaken.

“Hey,” she said, smiling. “I saw you standing over here all alone and I had to come over to introduce myself.”

Of course, he wasn’t alone. Two other men stood with him, but Janessa knew her statement made it sound like all she could see was him. She played to his ego and was rewarded when he abandoned his friends to move to a quiet corner to talk to her.

“Lamont Montgomery.” He held out his hand, and she placed hers in his. “You are?”

“Janessa.” She left out her last name. What did it matter if he thought he was about to make a conquest tonight, one he might or might not call in the morning? “Before I get too excited, I’m not stepping on your lady’s toes, am I?”

She pretended to scan the attendees at the party for a girlfriend giving her the stink eye.

He chuckled. “I’m between relationships right now. Why don’t I get you a glass of champagne and we can get to know each other?”

“Don’t you want to know if I’m seeing anyone?”

“If you are, I’ll let him know he lost out. But, Janessa, girl, there’s no way you don’t have a crowd of guys climbing over each other to get to you. You’re beautiful.”

She touched his arm. “Aw, you’re sweet. Thanks.”

As they spoke, she happened to catch sight of Declan on the other side of the room. They had agreed he didn’t need to come tonight. She would do her thing, but here he was. Thinking he didn’t trust that she could handle it annoyed her, that is until someone familiar stepped out from behind him.

Janessa caught her breath. Roxie in a dress skimpier than Janessa’s stood next to Declan.