She no longer had the energy to question him. For the time being, having him here was enough, being in his embrace. She laid her head on his shoulder, absorbing the feel of his chest and breathing in his scent. Soon enough, he would let her go, and they would go back to the way things had to be.



“Look at me.”

His voice was so gentle it compelled her to look up. Before she could ask what he wanted, his lips descended on hers. For the first time since they had known each other, they kissed.

She didn’t question it or read into it. Parting her lips so he could take the kiss deeper, she pressed closer and wrapped her arms around his waist. Stretching up to her toes, she devoured him.

In her mind, she accused Roxie of wanting to eat Declan, but no one wanted him like she did. Love swelled in her chest, threatening to overwhelm her. She willed it to him through the kiss, praying he could tell how much she loved him.

His hold around her shoulders tightened. He slid a hand down her back and then moved to her hips to raise her off her feet. Their mouths came apart, but she sought him out again.

He carried her to the bed and laid her down, pausing to hover above her. She was lost in those beautiful silver eyes and never wanted to be found.

“Declan.” Her voice came out a hoarse whisper.

“I don’t…” he began. “I could back off.”

“No. Don’t do that.”

“What I mean is—”

“This is all there is in what we’re doing, right?”

He hesitated.

“You’re not looking to change our dynamic?” She lowered her lashes over her eyes. “Me either.”

Chapter 9

“What about this?” Janessa pulled one of the dresses off the rack and held it up to herself. Her sister flicked an eyebrow up at her.

“If you want Ma to harass you about showing off your goodies for the whole world to see, go ahead.”

“It’s a little low cut, but nothing you don’t see every day.”

“Nessa, we’re going to our parents’ anniversary party. We’re not here looking for clothes to wear to the club.”

“When did you get so mature?”

“Please.” Lachelle waved a hand and pulled out another dress that was a little more toned down but still sexy. “I know how to get crazy when I want to and rein it in so she doesn’t drive me crazy, if you know what I mean.”

Janessa laughed. “And yet you want to have a baby out of wedlock. Don’t you think she’ll lose it if she hears that?”

“She’s not going to hear it if I find the right candidate. She’ll learn about the baby after the fact. Then her head will be filled with images of her grandchild and how quickly she can spoil it.”


While her sister chatted on, Janessa’s mind wandered to the night she spent in the hotel with Declan. Making love with him was everything she dreamed it would be and more. And in the morning, when he suggested they return home, she agreed.

Since they came back, there wasn’t a repeat of their intimacy. Not even close. In fact, she wondered if he was seeing someone. He was far more closed-mouthed and often too busy to talk to her on the phone at night like he used to.

She wondered if he regretted their time together or if he didn’t enjoy himself. That couldn’t be right. She saw it in his face and the way he treasured her body as he pleased her. In the same way, his body responded to her every touch.

Maybe it was their first and last time in bed together, and she had to let it be enough. Unless she could let go of her own fears and convince him to get over his hang-ups. Should she? Things weren’t resolved as to his background, but Declan was the man he was today not yesterday. What happened in the past didn’t matter except for the way it affected his thoughts and actions in the present and future.