His hand froze in the act of mopping up the mess from the desk. A heavy sigh escaped him.
“I’ll get you started. Why did that woman call you a prince? I mean she acted like it wasn’t just some weird nickname. I had the feeling she looked at you like royalty”—and lunch.
Janessa tamped down the jealousy. What did it matter to her if that woman wanted to eat Declan up? They would never be an item.
Her heart sank at the direction of her thoughts. Declan washed his hands in the bathroom sink and returned to continue the discussion.
“We were cut off from normal society to a degree. We had our own ways.”
“Like a cult or a compound?”
He glared at her. “No.”
“Sounds like it.”
“My people immigrated from Europe and many of them brought their old traditions. One of them included a high regard for family and bloodlines. My…family…were considered…” He coughed. “Special.”
“You mean bluebloods, royalty. Wow. In America?” This was a new side to Declan she couldn’t imagine. Her friend was so casual about everything. She couldn’t see him tied up in mess like feeling entitled.
“As I said they were too attached to the old ways.”
“So you’re Prince Declan.”
“No!” He thrust fingers into his hair and stood to pace. “I don’t acknowledge those ways. I’m not a part of it. If there are people around who still see it that way, that’s their problem. I live my life on my own terms.”
?I feel you, but some of them don’t agree.”
“What they think isn’t my concern.” He dropped back into the chair, his eyes glazed over. “I never wanted to go there or be among them.”
She dropped to her knees in front of him and took his hands in hers. “I’m sorry, Declan. I left without telling you because I thought you would try to stop me. Your business is yours until it affects me. You do understand that, don’t you?”
He didn’t answer right away. Seeing the haunted light in his eyes made her think there was far more to his story than he had shared. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt him or make him relive something that was too painful. Yet, she felt unsure of how they could move forward.
“I want to tell you everything.” He pulled her up from the floor and stood with her, holding her in his arms.
Declan had always been the type to touch, to offer comfort with his hands and his words. He thought nothing of resting his cheek to hers, sitting close, holding hands or hugging. She had always found him unusual in that regard, but she welcomed it. If Declan couldn’t open his heart in words, he definitely reached out physically, and she loved him for it.
“You wouldn’t like me if you knew all of it.”
“I don’t believe that. I love you. You’re my best friend.”
He tipped her chin up and stroked her cheek. Chills raced over her skin, and desire stirred. She resisted such inappropriate feelings in the face of his struggle.
“You wouldn’t say that if…”
She laid fingers over his lips. “It’s okay. We’re making progress. Now I know you’re way out of my league, being royalty and all.”
“Nessa.” He groaned, and she chuckled.
“What? It’s true.”
“If anything, I’m a prince without an inheritance—dethroned. That is if there were a throne.”
“What do you mean?”
“Never mind.”