“Can I order you a drink, Patrick?” she asked.

“Don’t trouble yourself.” He signaled the waiter and soon held a glass of wine. After the first sip, he frowned and set the glass down. “Not the best, is it? If you two had come to meet me, we could have enjoyed top

quality wine and food. I don’t mind bragging on my cousin. He runs a first class establishment.”

“I don’t drink,” Declan growled, which was a lie. Well, he didn’t drink much anyway.

“Can’t handle it?” Patrick insisted on antagonizing Declan. He nodded knowingly. “Some of us can’t. Alcohol dulls the senses, and we always want to be ready.”

“Ready for what?” Janessa’s head spun. She knew there were subtle messages being passed between the two men, but she was hard-pressed to decipher it. Her mood plummeted by the second. Politeness and trying to salvage whatever she could out of this situation flew out of the window. “Look, if you’re not going to hire us, we shouldn’t waste our time or yours.”

“I have every intention of hiring you.”

“No.” Declan was so tied up into an angry knot he scarcely laid eyes on Patrick after they sat down. “We’re booked.”

Patrick ignored him to focus on Janessa. “I need someone to look into my son-in-law to be. I don’t trust everything he’s told me and everything we’ve been able to find out.”

Patrick’s gaze slipped toward Declan.

Janessa rushed to reassure him. “Perhaps I can be of service. If you’re worried he might not be faithful or you think he can be swayed in the wrong direction…”

Patrick hesitated.

“Maybe you think I can’t tempt him. I have women I work with who can get the job done.”

Janessa had a friend she hired sometimes. The girl worked as a stripper. Blond and slender with double Ds, she could turn a guy’s head with minimal effort.

“It’s not faithfulness I’m worried about.” Again, Patrick, looked at Declan. “I’m concerned about his loyalties to my people.”

“Your people?” As far as Janessa could see, this guy was white upper class American. What people could he mean? His family? Was he originally from some other country, one that identified the groups in clans or tribes?

“As you know, Declan,” Patrick continued, “loyalty is everything. Anyone who betrays your loyalty might as well be dead.”

Declan launched himself at Patrick and smashed a fist into his face. The man went flying backward, and his chair collapsed beneath him. A scream rent from Janessa’s throat before she could catch it. Everyone else in the restaurant turned to look at them.

With a trickle of blood streaming down Patrick’s chin, he jumped up and came at Declan. Janessa didn’t think before moving in front of Declan and facing Patrick. She held up a hand, begging, “Stop, please.”

“Move, Nessa,” Declan ordered.

“I’m not going anywhere. What the heck is up with you two? I want an explanation right now!”

The restaurant manager appeared. “I’m going to have to ask you folks to leave before I call the police.”

Patrick wiped blood from his chin with a slight smile. “Interesting, she’s got you tamed, Declan. Have you selected her as your mate?”

“That’s not your business.”

Patrick pulled his wallet from his jacket and peeled off a few bills. “This will take care of the meal and the chair and for your trouble, sir. I apologize for the disturbance.”

The manager went from anger to understanding in a flash. Janessa figured Patrick gave him far more than what was necessary. The three of them left the restaurant, and Janessa scanned the lot. There was no way a man as smartly dressed as Patrick drove one of the dated cars nearby.

“Can we give you a ride somewhere, Patrick?”

Patrick grinned at Declan. “I have transportation.”

“Where?” She checked the lot again.

He pointed up and chuckled, far too amused with himself. She grew more irritated with his stupid remarks that made no sense. Odder still was Declan’s devastation at the simple statement. Her best friend spun away and stumbled over to his car, leaving her standing there with Patrick.