“I’ll walk you back.”

“Buzz off.”

She was burning up angry when she made it back to her apartment. Pacing to try to calm down, she

thought about everything she knew about Declan. Family? Friends? The past?

She didn’t know anything, come to think of it. He had once told her his parents’ names and the name of the town where he grew up. She had Googled him and his hometown. The town where Declan claimed to have grown up didn’t exist. All she had ever been able to find out was, a place by the same name was destroyed after the residents had some type of civil war.

The report had to be fantasy, of course, and Declan must have lied about where he came from. She wouldn’t put it past him. Why was he being so secretive? Was someone chasing him, and if so what had he done to cause it?

“And here I am in business with him. I’m crazy.”

She took a shower and dressed in a pair of shorts and simple T-shirt, leaving her feet bare. Not that she was some irresponsible woman who handed all her money over to some guy she didn’t know. Declan was the trusting one, the one who didn’t care about money one way or another.

When they discussed starting the business, Declan offered most of the startup capital. On the business and accounting side of things, she controlled it all. Declan hardly checked that she paid him a correct salary, and she was pretty sure he had no clue what the passwords were to their accounts.

“Maybe he’s the naïve one.”

She groaned and flopped down on the couch, slinging an arm over her face and shutting her eyes. Nothing made sense. Maybe she should dissolve the business and start over. If she let Declan go, loving him wouldn’t be an issue. She wouldn’t get hurt.

The silver eyes slipped into her head, and she sat forward. Declan was alone. That she knew. Something happened that made him the way he was. She didn’t seek to change him, but she did want him to trust her enough to share that experience. If it took another decade for him to do it, she wanted to be his friend until then.

No strings attached.

The door opened, and Declan strolled in. Lachelle tripped in after him. “Hey, sis, why did you leave? We were having a blast.”


“Are you jealous?” Lachelle winked at her.

Janessa rolled her eyes. “No. And stop dripping on my floor.”

When everyone was showered and changed, they sat in the living room. Lachelle helped herself to a drink and chips with dip in the fridge. “Hey, you want anything, Nessa? How about a beer, Declan?”

“I’m good.”

Lachelle brought three beers and her snacks to plunk them on the coffee table. “Don’t be a party pooper. Let’s continue the fun.”

“Leave it alone, Lachelle,” Janessa told her. “Declan only drinks like once a month, if that much.”

Lachelle’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding? Boy, I need to teach you how to have a good time. We should hit the clubs. Wait, do you know how to dance?”

He grinned. “I was born for it.”

Lachelle whooped in delight.

Janessa snorted.

Her sister looked over at him. “You’re saying he’s lying, sis?”

“Yes, he’s lying. Don’t fall for that mess. Declan’s innocent about a lot of things.”

“Oh, I like training them.” Her sister gushed, obviously happy with the news of Declan’s limited experience. Janessa regretted the admission.

Declan chuckled. “Remember when we met, Nessa?”

“Now that was innocence.”