Lachelle grinned and raised a hand to her braids, which she had piled in a high bun on top of her head. “Thanks. You look good enough to eat too, Declan.”

“He didn’t say you look good enough to eat.” Janessa bit her tongue.

“Who were the two of you talking about?” Declan looked straight into Janessa’s eyes. “You’re nervous, maybe a little scared. Why?”

Lachelle laughed and moved to link her arm with his. “I love when you get all overprotective, Declan. We were talking about some guy hanging out in the parking lot watching the apartment. I mean I could be mistaken—”


She gave him the info, adding more details as he grilled her. Then Declan took off, leaving the apartment. Lachelle frowned at Janessa, as confused as she was.

“I didn’t expect him to take me so seriously.”

Janessa shrugged. “That’s how he is. One minute he doesn’t care about anything but having a good time. The next, well, whatever he’s doing right now. I guess I’m going to have to cook and do the laundry.”

Lachelle followed her into the kitchen. “What are we having for lunch?”


“Yeah, girl, I’m hungry. What are we having?”

Janessa gave up battling her sister and Declan and just fell in line with their crazy.

Chapter 4

Sun warmed Janessa’s toes. She pulled them back a bit and made herself more comfortable on the lounge chair. Soon, she wouldn’t get even the little bit of shade she had under the umbrella.

Lachelle’s laughter rose above all other voices. She splashed water into Declan’s face in the pool. Janessa hid behind her sunglasses, pretending she didn’t watch them. If she could find someone of her own, whether Declan and her younger sister got together wouldn’t bother her. At the same time, she couldn’t bring herself to demand that Lachelle back off from Declan. Maybe she should tell him to back off later. That might work.

Selfish much, Janessa?

Earlier, she had made the cheesesteaks and some ice tea for the three of them. Declan returned to finish the laundry, but he was more subdued. Even as she watched him in the pool, she felt like something was on his mind. Had he come across the guy watching the apartment? He claimed not to see anyone, but she wasn’t sure if she believed him.

While the two played in the pool, Janessa gathered up her things. She would head back to the apartment and clean up a little. More chores would take her mind off Declan.

She was halfway down the walk toward home when Declan caught up to her. “Hey, where are you going?”

“Home. You don’t need to follow me. Have fun.”

He caught her arm when she tried to move away. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. What makes you think something’s wrong?”

“I know you.” He frowned, staring into her eyes.

“I could ask you the same thing, you know. Something’s on your mind. You said you didn’t find that man who was watching the house, but when you came back you seemed different. What’s up with you, Declan?”

His gaze shifted away from her.

She stepped closer. “We’ve known each other a long time, and we work together. Still, I feel like there’s a part of you I don’t know. Most of the time you’re confident, even indifferent about what people think about you. But every now and then, it’s like stuff gets to you hard.”

He feigned surprise. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Yes, you do! I hate when you lie to me. I can tell. You’re lying now. I’m not asking you to tell me all your intimate secrets, but stop pretending.”

When he continued to deny what she was saying, she spun away from him.

“Forget it. Go play with Lachelle. She’s not serious, and neither are you. Goodbye.”