Page 37 of Deadline

“Pictures of me and my children, taken by a total stranger. You bet they made me uncomfortable. Especially since you failed to explain the reason for them.”

“I didn’t explain?”

“No. And I asked.”

“Oh. I took them so I could study you.”

“As part of your research?”

“No, so I could get to know you.”

“I don’t want you to know me.”

It could have been a trick of the lights along the dock, reflecting off the water. Or his gaze really did move down to her mouth when he said in a low and stirring voice, “That’s too bad.”

Mistrusting herself to come up with an appropriate put-down that would have any oomph behind it, she turned away from him without speaking another word.

* * *

Stef was on her way downstairs as Amelia was making tired progress up.

“What was that about?”


“Why’d you brush him off like that?”


Stef propped her fist on her hip. “Seriously?”

“I didn’t brush him off.” She wanted to add that she also didn’t need to defend herself to anyone, but especially not to an employee. But that would have sounded as peevish as she felt, so she let it go. “I’ve lectured the boys about being cautious with strangers. I was setting an example.”

“He’s not a stranger. He’s renting the house next door.”

“Anybody could rent the house next door.”

“Point taken. But if that guy had looked at me like that, I would have—”

“Like what?”

“Like he wanted to lick you all over.”


The younger woman only laughed. “What did he want when he called you back?”

“He asked about, uh…garbage collection.”

Stef’s eyes narrowed. “Okay, don’t tell me.”

Time to change the subject. “Are the boys down?”

“They were waiting for a story from you, but they went unconscious the second their heads hit the pillows.”

“Thank you. I had to see to some things in my office. Reply to some e-mails.” Look under the front doormat.

“Mind if I borrow your car again? I’ll cover the gas.”