Page 45 of Deadline

She ran her finger around the lip of her wineglass. “All things considered, it’s hard for me to say this, but thank you for spending time with them.”

“You’re welcome.”

“They especially loved the roughhousing. I try, but…” She trailed off and shrugged.

He stretched his legs out in front of him. “Moms don’t make good wrestlers. They’re too afraid someone will get hurt.”

She smiled. “You’re right of course.” She paused to sip her wine. “Do you have children of your own?”




“Stef wondered.”

“Hmm.” He sipped from his glass. “Am I allowed to make some observations?”

“About Stef?”

“About your children.”

She made a motion for him to continue.

“I don’t know much about kids, but, in my amateur opinion, you’ve done a good job with yours.”

“Thank you.”

“They don’t pee in swimming pools.”

She laughed.

“They say please and thank you. And even though I did suggest naming the battleship after you, they jumped on the idea.”

“I wouldn’t trade them for any others.”

“Hunter is the more cautious of the two. He has his exuberant moments, but basically he’s serious-minded. It’s like he already realizes that being the oldest child comes with implied responsibilities that he accepts, even if it isn’t fair.

“Grant,” he said, pausing to grin, “wears his emotions on his sleeve. He’s impulsive, capricious, approaches everything at full tilt. I’m betting that he’ll get into more mischief than his older brother.”

“You’ve given them a lot of thought.”

“I’m naturally curious about people and what makes them tick. My job requires it. I observe closely and analyze my observations.” When she merely nodded without comment, he added, “People reveal as much by their silences as they do by what they say.”

“Do they? I’ll have to remember that.”

“Damn. By sharing a trade secret, did I just shoot myself in the foot? Will you be constantly on guard from here on?”

“We don’t have a ‘from here on.’”

He waited several beats. “Okay. But Tuesday morning, I’ll be in the courtroom for your cross-examination.”

“Be there or not. It’s up to you. I’ve made it plain that I don’t grant interviews.”

“Right, you did. So I had better ask you now, while I have the chance.”

She sharpened her focus on him. “Ask me what?”