Page 149 of Mean Streak

“I’d stake my career on it,” Jack insisted. “Besides, she isn’t afraid of him or she wouldn’t have left with him tonight.”

Grange said, “That’s the first thing that crossed my mind when Knight called me and said to get over here. There’s a big difference between being unafraid of someone and running off with him. Why’d she go? What did he say to her? What did he do to get her to take off without even getting her coat first?”

Jack said, “I don’t know Emory Charbonneau well, but from my perspective, it’s just as puzzling. Always before, when Bannock was done somewhere, he split. Like in a matter of hours. After the incident with Norman and Will Floyd, I can’t figure why he’s sticking around.”

“Maybe he’s not done with the Floyds. Maybe the beating was only a prelude leading up to a big finish.”

Jack pulled the inside of his cheek between his teeth. “I hope not.”

“Or maybe we’re overlooking the obvious. Maybe Emory’s ‘he treated me kindly’ refrain was euphemistic for…” Knight let his raised eyebrows speak for him, then shook the last of the cashews from the can and tossed them into his mouth. “But whatever he’s doing to, or with, or for her, we still want him for assault and battery. So my question to you, Agent Connell, is on behalf of all the men and women we’ve got out there looking for them. Just how dangerous is this guy?”

“Officers should proceed with caution.”

“That’s it? That’s your only word of advice?” Knight was frowning over the insufficiency. “Word’s spread through our department about the Floyd boys. Truth be told, their beating has been toasted by more than one six pack. They’re scumbags, and that was the opinion even before anybody knew about them raping their kid sister.”

“Have they been charged?”

“Not yet. It’s on the DA’s desk, but the girl is iffy about bringing it out in the open. You know how that goes.”

Jack nodded, and Knight continued.

“In the meantime, everybody’s just a tad spooked over the man who whipped the Floyds single-handedly. We found where he stored his weapons, but not the weapons themselves, meaning he could have a lot of firepower with him. Now a fed has shown up hot on his heels. Bannock’s taken on a…a…”

“Aura,” Grange said.

Knight acknowledged the supplied word with a nod, but he kept his attention on Jack. “I’m asking you as an officer of the law, same as you, to cut the double-talk and basic bullshit and tell us just who we’re dealing with here.”

“You referenced a mass shooting in Virginia, but you weren’t specific.” Grange cast a quick upward glance at the closed bedroom door that would prevent Jeff from overhearing. Then, leaning toward Jack and speaking in an undertone, he asked, “Are we talking Westboro?”

Jack looked at them in turn. “You know the story?” And when they nodded in unison, he said, “That was Bannock.”

Grange whistled softly.

Knight murmured, “Holy shit.”

Chapter 35

At the mention of the eight fatalities, Hayes abruptly got up and replaced the chair beneath the dining table. “You’d better turn in, Doc.”

“Turn in?”

“Tomorrow could be a long day.”

“I d

emand an explanation for what Agent Connell told us about you.”

“Bedroom’s down the hall. Bathroom’s on the right. I’ll bunk on the couch.”

“Hayes?” When he came around to her, she said, “I assume that’s your real name. Hayes Bannock?”

He hesitated before giving her a brusque nod.

“I’m glad to finally know it.”

“Don’t speak too soon.”

“If I looked you up on the Internet, what would I find? Your army service record? Your degree in constructional engineering? Your sister and niece in Seattle?”