“I’ll take my car.”
By the time Arden had driven around the corner to the front of Crystal’s house, she was standing on the threshold of the open front door. Arden hadn’t expected her to be this agreeable to talking about Ledge. She’d even feared that when she stated her business, Crystal might tell her to get lost. She had envisioned the “hot ticket” being coarse and blowsy. Not as refined, or cordial, or overall appealing.
She couldn’t deny a stab of jealousy.
“Thank you for this,” she said as Crystal led her into a homey, pleasant living area. It was neat and uncluttered, but felt lived in. “I thought of calling ahead, but—”
“You thought an ambush would be more effective.”
Arden gave her an abashed look. “Truthfully? Yes. Someone recently pulled a similar stunt on me.”
“He, uh, wanted to demonstrate the inadequacies of my locks.”
“Sounds like him.”
Arden didn’t take it further than that.
Crystal motioned her into a chair. “In any case, I’m glad you sought me out. Red or white?”
“How about a bourbon?”
Arden laughed nervously. “Do I look like I need it?”
“A bit.”
Once they had drinks in hand, and Crystal was sitting opposite her on the sofa, she said, “I heard about the loss of your baby. I’m so sorry.”
“Thank you.” Arden couldn’t think of a graceful way to ask if Crystal had children or planned to, so she kept her curiosity at bay.
To break that solemn spell, each took a sip of her drink. Crystal said, “I suppose you came to me because you’re aware of my close relationship with Ledge.”
“I don’t believe it’s a secret to anyone.”
Crystal gave a wry smile over that. “What I want you to understand is that my loyalty lies with him. He’s very protective of my privacy, and it works both ways. I won’t betray any of his confidences.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to.”
“Good.” She settled more comfortably on the sofa. “What is it you want to ask me?”
“Ledge told me himself that he and the current DA have been in a grudge match for many years. But he didn’t tell me why.” She stared into the exotic pair of eyes. “Is it over you?”
Crystal looked down into her drink. “It was. I mean, they already disliked each other before I entered the picture, but it intensified when we got to high school and Ledge and I started hanging out. Rusty felt entitled to having anything he wanted.”
“He wanted you, and you were Ledge’s girl.”
She gave a small shrug. “Rusty hated that.”
“I know that Ledge enlisted in the army even before he graduated.”
“He’s told you quite a lot about himself.”
“I twisted his arm. He told me about how he came to be a soldier and how long he served. That was a lon
g time for the two of you to be separated.”