Page 70 of Thick as Thieves

“Then that was an oversight on my part. Sorry. But I’m telling you now. You can’t stay. It’s my work site, I make the rules.”

She thought on it. “Well, I guess I could rent a lake cabin nearby.”

There were dozens of vacation rentals within a ten-mile radius of Penton. For his peace of mind, that was too close. “Wouldn’t your sister put you up?”

“She’s offered.”

“Well, there you go. That was easy.”

“But I don’t want to stay with Lisa. I want to be close enough to check on the progress each day.”

“My progress? On the house? No.”

“Why not?”

“Be reasonable. You can’t be popping in and out of here while walls are coming down.”

“It’s my house.”

“And my liability.”

“Don’t you have liability insurance?”

“A good question. A little late for you to be asking, though.”

“Do you?”

“Yes, but it’s for crap. It wouldn’t cover a hangnail.”

She was about to say something but stopped herself and looked at him with sudden suspicion. “You’re making this up as you go along, aren’t you?”

He just looked at her.

“You are,” she said. “You’re trying to get rid of me. Just like you did when I came to your workshop that first day. You’re throwing out bullshit and hoping I’ll accept it.”

He should have known that she would see through the ruse. He relaxed his combatant posture, swore under his breath, and gave a realigning roll of his shoulders. “Yeah, I am.”


“It would be better if you left town, that’s all.”

“Better for me or for you?”


“Why don’t you want me here?”

“Because you could get hurt.”

“How could I get hurt?”

“All kinds of ways.”

“For instance?”

“You mean besides your nightly drive-by?”

“Who so far has only driven past. Why do you fear I’ll get hurt?”