“Second. She and the groom have known each other since they were kids. Married, had families, lost their mates a year apart. Found new love.”
“That’s certainly something to celebrate. Pour me a glass of the same wine.”
He winked. “I’ll pour you a better one.”
He removed a bottle of wine from the refrigerator under the back bar and showed her the label. Although she didn’t recognize it, she nodded approval. He poured enough for her to sample. “Light, crisp and very good,” she said. “Thank you.”
He filled her glass, but, after checking to see that he wasn’t needed by another customer, he stayed. “Are you with the naturalists group?”
She shook her head.
“There’s a two-day symposium on ecosystems and conservation going on over at the civic center. I thought maybe you might be in town for that.”
“You live here or roundabouts?”
“I’ve been here for a few months. I’ve considered making it permanent.”
“I hope you do, and that you become a regular customer.”
“It looks as though you don’t lack for—”
She spotted the framed photograph on the back bar, and it stopped her cold. The bartender turned his head, then came back around. “If it was enlarged it would look like a movie poster, wouldn’t it?”
“A Mad Max movie.”
He chuckled. “That’s the owner’s nephew. Without all the gear, he looks only a little ferocious. In fact, ladies of all ages pine after him.”
Arden took a sip of wine. “What does his wife think of that?”
“He’s never married. Soldiered for a long time, then when he got home, there were other things to see to. Top off that glass?”
“No, I’m fine, thank you.”
“Let me know when you need another.” He excused himself to attend two men in angler hats who’d just come in. He called them by name and asked if they’d had any luck on the lake.
Well, she’d had one of Lisa’s questions about Ledge answered. Although Lisa had probably learned Ledge Burnet’s marital status before she had.
“Excuse me?”
Arden turned. One of the ladies from the bachelorette party was standing behind her, smil
ing tentatively. “Ms. Maxwell? I thought it was you.”
Arden regarded her for several moments before recognition dawned. Gray hair. A blue-and-white-striped shirt. Pleasant face and kind eyes. “You’re the lady who helped me in the store.”
“I wasn’t sure you would remember me.” She smiled and stuck out her hand. “Lois Miller.”
Arden shook her hand, then clasped it between hers. “I remember how extremely kind you were that day.”
“I didn’t learn who you were until after.” She paused as though about to say more before thinking better of it. Arden was relieved she didn’t bring up her family or her return to Penton.
“I’m glad you came over and introduced yourself, Mrs. Miller. I’ve regretted not knowing how to contact you so I could thank you.”
“I was so sorry to hear about your baby. I wish there was something I could have done to—”
“There was nothing to be done. It couldn’t have been prevented. Your presence of mind and kindness were very helpful.”