Her voice cracked, and she tilted toward him. His arms caught her, pulled her against his chest, and tucked her head beneath his chin. “You’ve asked about everybody else. How are you?”
“Very glad that you showed up just now.”
“I didn’t know how you’d take to me. After knowing.”
“I take to you, Ledge.” She hugged him tighter.
“In a big way.”
“Thank Christ.”
He tipped her head back, ran his thumb over her lower lip, then kissed her like his very life depended on it. She curved her arm around his neck and, pulling her mouth free of his, gasped, “Lay me down, Ledge.”
They got to the floor. He worked her skirt up over her hips and peeled her panties away. He was only halfway done with his fly when she impatiently pushed his hands aside and finished the job.
They mated fast and feverishly, and, when she cried out his name, he gave one final push and grafted himself to her.
When both were spent, he settled onto her. Gradually they regained their senses as well as their breath. Her fingers drifted through his hair and cupped the back of his head.
“Am I a horrible person?” she whispered.
He raised his head and looked down into her face, brushing back strands of hair that were stuck to her cheek. By tears. “What’s the matter?”
“I buried my sister today. But more than anything I wanted—needed—this.”
She began to cry in earnest.
He gathered her close and turned them until she was lying on top of him. “You need this, too.”
And he held her to him, his large, capable hands stroking her while she mourned.
An hour passed before they finally got up and righted their clothing. She collected her handbag and her shoes, then went up on tiptoe and gave him a tender kiss. “Thank you.”
Possessively, he curved his hand around her neck and brushed her jawline with his thumb. “It was my pleasure.”
She placed her hand on his chest. “I got your shirt wet.”
She rested her cheek on his chest again. “Lisa did a terrible thing, but it doesn’t cancel all the wonderful things she did for me. Essentially she gave up her young adulthood for me. I loved her, and I know she loved me.”
“No one could argue that.” He kissed the top of her head, then leaned away from her. “How do you like that cabin you’ve been staying in?”
“How did you know—” Then she laughed. “Never mind.”
“Will you let me take you home—to my home—give you a bourbon and a bath? I have a tub for two.”
“You have a tub for twenty.”
“That’s a yes?”