“Aren’t you two a little old to be feuding over a girl?”
“Crystal is a woman, but she’s no longer at the heart of our feud. Rusty’s main beef now is that he lost out on the money we emptied out of Welch’s safe.”
Lisa’s features went slack.
“You heard right,” Ledge went on. “I’ve confessed to Arden that I was in on the burglary.”
Arden shot him a reproving look. “You didn’t have to admit it to her.”
Speaking softly and directly to her, he said, “Yeah, I did. For twenty years it’s been eating at me. I’m glad it’s out.” They shared a look redolent with unspoken meaning, then he turned back to Lisa.
“Rusty coerced me into doing it. I should have bucked him. I didn’t. We’re long past being prosecuted for it, but that doesn’t make me any less guilty.”
“Why would you confess now?” Lisa asked.
“It’s good for the soul. Besides, I plan to put Rusty out of business before he draws more blood.”
“Draws more blood?” Lisa looked over at Arden. “What is he talking about?”
“It’s Rusty who’s been keeping a nightly vigil on me. I discovered that yesterday.” She told Lisa about her disturbing encounter with him at the courthouse. “We, Ledge and I, believe that he, not Dad, killed Brian Foster.”
Lisa looked even more shocked. “What?”
“Late that night, Rusty set up an elaborate alibi scenario with Crystal,” Arden said. “Possibly for only the burglary, but it’s more likely he needed an alibi for something else, some violent encounter.”
“Like a fight to the death with Foster,” Ledge said. “He also has a vendetta against your father. But he isn’t here, so Rusty’s going after Arden.”
“How so?” Lisa asked, turning to Arden.
She described the dog attack and their showdown with Hawkins. She was blunt, sparing her snooty sister none of the gorier details.
When she finished, Ledge said, “There’s a footnote. Hawkins was found dead this morning. You can guess who silenced him, and this fresh taste of blood has only emboldened him. Rusty all but confessed to us.”
Looking queasy, Lisa backed up to the wall. “He’s the district attorney, for godsake.”
“Which only gives him license to do what he wants with impunity,” Ledge said.
“Your fear for Arden’s safety is justified, then.”
“Thanks all the same, but I don’t need your okay. Not for anything, but especially not anything concerning Arden and me.”
Lisa gave him a dirty look, then turned back to Arden. “I told you repeatedly that moving back here was a terrible idea. You didn’t listen.”
“Because I had no idea of what I was walking into,” she exclaimed. “I didn’t know I had a built-in enemy. Did you?”
Lisa held her ground for a time; then her shoulders slumped, and she gave a small nod.
Arden regarded her with incredulity. “You knew about Rusty, his part in the burglary? All that?”
“Yes. All that.”
“For how long?”
“From the night it took place.”
Arden gaped at her. “You allowed me to stumble into this blind, Lisa. All those times you tried to dissuade me, why didn’t you simply lay it all out?”
“I couldn’t ‘simply.’ I couldn’t warn you about Rusty without…without telling you that I saw Dad that night. With the stolen money.”