Page 84 of Thick as Thieves

“And she’s cute.”

“I didn’t say she was cute.”

“You didn’t say she wasn’t. So…?”

“So nothing. I can’t go there.”

“How come?”

“It’s difficult.”

“How so?”

“Just difficult, all right?”

“Ooooh, touchy. That itch must be baaaad.”

He shifted his stance. “Okay. She’s attractive, and I’m…”


“Curious. You know. I’m in that ‘what if?’ stage.”

“Yes, I know that stage, but you’re way beyond it.”

“This coming from someone who knows nothing about how it works between boys and girls.”

“I know about attraction. To hell with ‘it’s difficult.’”

“Spare me.”

“Have you kissed her?”

“None of your damn business.”

“Definitely yes. Have you seen her naked?”


“But you’re dying to.”

“Good night, Crystal.”

“Another definite yes.”

“Let me know if and when Marty comes through.”

This time, she didn’t stop him from leaving, but she was laughing lightly as she saw him on his way.

Rusty was in a bitch of a mood when he let himself into his house. Discovering that the alarm wasn’t set pissed him off even further. “Stupid cow,” he muttered, shooting a glance upstairs, where Judy was no doubt sleeping.

Alarm set, he made a beeline for his study. He locked himself inside, poured himself a drink, and flopped back into his easy chair. He didn’t boot up his computer. Not even live-streaming sex shows held appeal in his present mood.

Burnet had been with Crystal tonight.

For a long time.

On his way home from a dinner with some pals, Rusty had spotted Burnet’s truck at the curb in front of her house. He’d driven a circuit through town. When he went past again, the truck was still there. And it stayed, even after Marty had come home.