Page 82 of Thick as Thieves

She had moved to Penton after suffering through a contentious divorce. The root of the marital problem had been Marty’s sexual dubiety. With her impeccable credentials, she had been readily hired by the county’s largest and most reputable hospital, but was still living out of a suitcase in a motel when she’d gone into Crystal’s salon for a haircut.

Meeting Crystal had been the end of her sexual incertitude. In a matter of weeks, she’d moved in with Crystal. Marty had made Crystal more content than she’d been in her life, and for that Ledge liked Marty a lot.

She had a repertoire of salty language, a droll sense of humor, and, while she was a more caring individual than she let on, she also took no shit from anybody. She understood the nature of Crystal’s friendship with Ledge and was tolerant of it. But that acceptance could come to a screeching halt with the request he was about to make.

“Marty, I’m going to put you in a very awkward position.”

“Crystal puts me in awkward positions all the time,” she said, giving him a naughty wink. “But I draw the line at threesomes. Even if I were game, you don’t have the right equipment.”

“My equipment is right enough, thank you.”

They all smiled, but Crystal laid her hand on Marty’s arm to let her know that the subject wasn’t conducive to cracking jokes.

“The hospital keeps records. For how long?” Ledge asked.

“Patient records? I’m not sure. Since I’ve been on staff, the ones I’ve had to access were fairly recent.”

“How far back was the oldest?”

“Hmm, two, three years.”

“Could you do some sleuthing in the records department?”

Crystal said, “Without getting into trouble or crossing your personal ethical line.”

“How far back?” Marty asked.

Ledge gave her the month and date. “Easter Sunday of two thousand.”

She raised her eyebrows. In contrast to her hair, they were stark black.

“He would have come in shortly before dawn.” He went on to tell her Rusty’s full name. Crystal gave her a general description of the injuries he had suffered, then Ledge picked back up. “There must be a chart detailing his injuries. Can you get it?”

Marty pursed her lips. “You’re asking me to violate patient privilege?”


Marty looked at Crystal. “Is this important to you?” Then she waved her hand. “Strike that. Anything concerning Ledge is important to you.” Going back to him, she said, “I’ll think on it and get back to you.”

“That’s fair.”

“Fair or not, that’s how it’ll be. Right now, I’m beat. I’m taking my whiskey into the shower with me, then I’m going to hit the sack.” She stood and, carrying her shoes and drink with her, headed toward the bedroom hallway. “’Night.”

Crystal called after her that she would be right in.

Ledge stood. “I can take a hint.”

“Stay and finish your drink.”

“Thanks, but no. Earlier tonight, I was on my way to a full-blown binge.”

“You won’t go back to how you were when you first got home.”

“That’s right. I won’t, because I’m taking no chances.” He went to the front door.

She joined him there and said, “The next time you run into Rusty, flip him the bird for me.”

“Don’t make light of this, Crystal. And don’t underestimate him.”