Of course Rusty could have been lying, but Ledge didn’t think so. He’d seemed way too sure of himself, too goddamned smug, and the claim could be too easily denied or confirmed. By Crystal.
He tabled thoughts on that for now, and, instead of naming her as a friend, he claimed George.
“The physical therapist at the center? That George?”
“Yeah. Hell of a guy. He and I talked this morning.”
Don downshifted his aggravation level. “How was Henry?”
Ledge aimed one of the AC vents at himself, slumped in his seat, and laid his head back. He described Henry’s condition, then filled Don in on everything that related to Rusty. Except for his parting shot about Crystal.
“The bastard knew how I would react when I heard he’d brought the flowers, that he’d actually been in Henry’s room. I could have killed him on the spot. Stormed into his office, scared the receptionist. You know Ms. Raymond?”
Ledge looked at Don askance.
“Every once in a while she pops in for a drink.”
Ledge raised an eyebrow. “Does she?”
“With Mr. Raymond.”
“Oh. Well, she’ll need a drink or two tonight. When I left Rusty’s office, she looked ready to cry, said she’d put me on her prayer list. Rusty must’ve called courthouse security the second my back was turned. Two deputies stopped me right there.” He used his nose to point out a spot just beyond the grill of his truck.
“I was arrested for assaulting a public official. Mirandized. Hand restraints. The whole shebang. The chickenshit didn’t have the guts to do it while I was there in his office, looking him in the eye.”
“He’s a son of a bitch.”
Ledge huffed a laugh. “That’s what he called me.”
“He’s wrong,” Don said, his vexation back. “You’re a stupid son of a bitch.”
“If I’m so undesirable, why did you even bother coming down here?”
“Because although I haven’t made even the short list of your friends, I was worried about you.”
“Well, you can stop worrying. I’m out.”
“For the time being.” Don paused to take a breath and rein in. “Tending bar, I hear stuff, you know. Rusty Dyle has it in for you. He’s a snake. You know it. Why do you let him get to you? He goads you with a bouquet; you play right into his hands. My advice—”
“I didn’t ask for any—”
“—would be to have it out with him once and for all. Settle whatever it is between you two. Rumor is it’s Crystal.”
Even hearing her name set his teeth on edge. “She’s part of it, but it’s way more complicated than that.” Don didn’t say anything, but Ledge sensed his interest. He turned his head toward him. “You’ll have to take my word for it, Don.”
“Can’t talk about it?”
“No. But I will tell you this. Rusty isn’t fucking around. We’re not in a pissing contest for playground dominance. He had me locked up today so I would have time to think about all the ways he could hurt me if he took a mind to, and his weapons of choice are the people close to me. So keep that shotgun loaded and handy.”
“Don’t worry about me.”
“I do.” He gave him a wry grin. “You are a friend.”
“And you are a pain in the ass,” Don grumbled, but with evident love. “Unfortunately, when Henry hired me, he told me that you came with the job.” He opened the passenger door and climbed out. “See you at the bar?”
“Since you’ve got backup, I think I’ll call it a day and go home.”