His heart began racing. His breathing turned choppy. Mentally chanting, No way they could know. No way they could know, he watched the two sheriff’s deputies in his side mirrors as they approached, one on each side of the car. He placed his hands on the steering wheel at ten and two.
The one who came to the driver’s side shone a flashlight in his face. “Hey there, Ledge.” He kept the beam of his flashlight on Ledge’s face, while the other, on the passenger side, swept his over the interior of the car. Ledge wondered if there was mud from the ditch on the floorboard. Shit!
“Keep your hands where I can see them, Ledge,” the deputy instructed. “Open the door slow, and get out.”
“What did you stop me for?”
“Get out,” he repeated.
Ledge did as ordered. “Why’d you stop me?”
“Assume the position.”
“You gotta be kidding.”
“Do I look like I’m kidding?”
“I wasn’t even speeding.”
“Assume the position!” the officer shouted.
Ledge turned and placed his hands on the roof of the car and set his feet wide apart. While the deputy was patting him down, the other was rifling through his glove box. “There’s nothing in there,” Ledge said.
“Where are you keeping your stash these days?”
“I don’t have a stash.”
“What? You gave up smoking dope for Lent?”
“I gave it up after being put in jail only for sharing a joint with friends at a party.”
“Every druggie has a sob story.” The deputy said to his partner, “Pop the trunk.”
Ledge said, “There’s nothing in there but a tire iron and a spare.”
“You wouldn’t lie to us, would you?”
“Well, we got a tip saying you were selling out of your car on the parking lot of your uncle’s bar.”
“That’s bullshit.”
“Somebody saw you chatting with a group of people inside your car.”
Ledge broke a cold sweat.
“Have you graduated from using to dealing, Ledge? Were you having a get-together with customers, or competitors?”
He knew not to say anything more. Some lessons learned in juvie were valuable.
“Give us names, Ledge. Who were you meeting with?”
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The deputy prodded him in the spine. “Cat got your tongue? What have you been up to tonight, Ledge?”