“What are you studying so intently?”
He raised his head and looked at her. He didn’t say anything, but his eyes drew her toward him. When she was still steps away, he reached for her, pulled her between his legs, wrapped his arms around her, and pressed his face into her middle just below her breasts. Her fingers replaced his in the thick tangle of his hair. She bent her head over his. For a time they just held each other.
When he released her from the hug, he tipped his head back to look into her face. “Good morning.”
“Good morning.”
“How was your night?”
She shrugged, faked a yawned. “It was okay, I guess.”
He smiled, but there was a restraint in his demeanor that she’d sensed the moment she’d entered the room.
“Coffee’s still fresh,” he said.
“I believe I’ll have some. You want more?”
“More of you, yes.”
Her tummy levitated like an untethered balloon.
But his sexy, gravelly tone, his suggestive squint, were short-lived. The reserve, which she couldn’t account for, reappeared. “I don’t know how you take your coffee,” he said. “I’ve got real sugar and milk.”
“That will do.”
“Want breakfast?”
“Not just yet.”
She went over to the counter and filled the coffee mug he had set out for her, then carried it to the fridge and poured a dollop of milk straight from the carton.
As she turned around, she saw through the wide window a car pulling in behind Ledge’s pickup. Instantly she recognized the whir of the motor. She set her full mug of coffee on the counter. “Ledge?”
“Rusty’s here.”
He raised his head from the material he’d gone back to reading. “What?”
She nodded toward the window as she walked toward it. Ledge left the table and joined her there. At some point during the night, the rain had stopped, but it had left puddles in the yard. Rusty navigated around them as he made his way to the back door.
She and Ledge looked at each other with wariness, then he went to the door and had it pulled open before Rusty could knock. Arden moved up beside Ledge. It surprised her that he didn’t issue Rusty a challenge, but she supposed his hostile and territorial bearing spoke for him.
Rusty gave them a smirking grin. “Morning, you two.”
“What are you doing here? What do you want?”
“I want to be invited in, Ledge. Coffee smells good.” Another smirk. “Unless I’m interrupting.”
Ledge didn’t extend any kind of invitation, just stood there, as impassable as a concrete wall.
“Ah, well,” Rusty sighed. “Can’t say as I’m surprised by your lack of manners. No one expects you to have any. Breeding tells, you know.”
“Go. Away.” Ledge made the two words sound all the more menacing by how softly he spoke them. “Don’t ever come to my house again.”
Rusty seemed unfazed. “What mischief are you up to out here, Ledge, that you would rather the district attorney not know about? I mean, besides screwing her.” He hitched his chin toward Arden.
She took a lunging step toward him, but Ledge put out a hand to hold her back. “Don’t buy into it.”