Page 115 of Play Dirty

“But you wanted to.”

He didn’t answer, but his expression must have given him away.

Turner groaned. “You just handed Rodarte motivation on a silver platter. To get the girl, you bumped off her husband. You don’t even need a criminal law degree to see that, Griff.”

“Besides motivation—”

“And opportunity.”

“I didn’t barge in on Speakman last night. I went to the mansion at his invitation.”

“He invited you?”

“He invited me.”

“What for? Did he confront you about the affair? Had the wife felt so guilty she confessed all?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know how much Laura told him about us.” In all honesty, he didn’t.

“Have you been in touch with her?”

He shook his head.

“I advise you not to try.”

“As my former lawyer?”

Ignoring the sarcastic dig, Foster asked, “Can you prove Speakman invited you to the mansion last night?”

“Not yet.”

“What does that mean?”

Losing patience, Griff said, “Besides motive and opportunity, what’s Rodarte got on me?”

The lawyer hesitated.

“Come on, Turner. You owe me at least that much. What am I up against?”

Turner snorted. “Well, there’s the murder weapon covered with your fingerprints. Your DNA will match the tissue they dug out from under Speakman’s fingernails.” He pointed toward the bloody scratches on the backs of Griff’s hands. “Correct?”


“Hell, Griff,” he said, wincing, “Rodarte doesn’t need anything else to nail you for Speakman. But there’s also this guy named Ruiz.”

“Manuelo. Speakman’s aide. Looks like a South American headhunter with a pleasant but empty smile.”

“Nobody’s seen him.” Turner paused and looked at him expectantly. When Griff didn’t say anything, he continued. “Rodarte checked with Immigration. No file on him. He was an illegal.”

“You’re using the past tense.”

“Was he there last night?”

Again Griff refrained from saying anything.

“Don’t bother lying,” the lawyer said. “They found blood on the rug and in your car. My old Honda. The blood wasn’t yours or Speakman’s. Rodarte surmises it’s Ruiz’s. He’s searching for his remains.”

Beneath his breath, Griff said, “Fuck!”