Page 78 of Play Dirty

After several beats, she raised her head and looked at him, all seriousness now. “We could still have fun times, Foster.”

“Not like that.”

“Not exactly like that. Different. But just as good.”

He gave a mirthless laugh. “Not from my standpoint.”

She held his gaze for a moment, then declared, “I’m not going back.”


“To the house. To Griff Burkett. I’m not doing it again.”

So. This was how she was going to pay him back for hurting her feelings. Keeping his expression impassive, he folded his hands in his lap, clasping them loosely. “Oh?”


“Why this sudden—”

“It’s not sudden. I’ve thought about little else since…since the last time. I’m not going back.”

“You said that. I think I deserve to know why.”

“Because it’s wrong.”

“Wrong by what standard? How can it be wrong if I sanction it?”

“I don’t. It’s wrong by my standard.”

“I see. When did you decide it was wrong?”

She looked away, saying in an undertone, “When you first proposed it.” Then, more staunchly, she said, “I was against it from the beginning. I consented to it only because I love you and wanted to give you anything you asked of me. But I can’t do this. I won’t.”

“I thought you wanted a child as much as I do.”

“That hasn’t changed,” she exclaimed. “I do want a baby. I want that for us. Very much. But we have options. I can be artificially inseminated using an anonymous sperm donor.”

“You know how I feel about that.”

She hesitated, then said, “All right. I’ll make that concession. Since Griff Burkett is already in our confidence, we can use his semen. He suggested that at our first meeting with him, remember? That way he wouldn’t lose out on his money. We’d take his specimens to the doctor’s office and claim they were yours. No one would know the difference.”

“I’d rather not resort to that method.”

“I don’t see it as resorting.”

“I do. And, anyway, isn’t it too soon to go to plan B? It’s only been three cycles.”

“I know how many it’s been,” she said curtly. “But even if it was only one, I’m not doing it again.”

“Is it Burkett you find objectionable? Does he treat you badly?”


“Rudely, roughly?”


“Because if he does—”