Page 166 of Play Dirty

He’d had to stand by helplessly, hopelessly, and watch as she pulled open the door and said, “Depending on circumstances, this could be the last time I’ll see you.”

“Could be.”

“I can’t think of anything to say that seems appropriate.”

“Small talk seems smaller.” Her smile told him she remembered when she’d said those same words to him. “You don’t have to say anything, Laura.”

“Then, good-bye.”

They’d shaken hands, and he’d got the sense that she was as reluctant to let go of his as he was of hers. But she did let go and turned toward the door. When she made no move to go through it, he reached past her and pushed it shut.

He left his hand there for several seconds, giving her time to protest, giving her time to say, What the hell do you think you’re doing? Open the door. I’m leaving.

When she didn’t, he drew his hand back and placed it beneath her chin. With the merest pressure, he brought her around to face him. He looked deeply into her eyes and saw in them the same unspoken, desperate longing he felt, and when he did, he fell on her hungrily, pressing his open mouth against her neck, pinning her to the door with his body. She gave a low moan and reached for him. They kissed wildly, recklessly, with abandon and without finesse.

They brought one month of mental foreplay to this moment.

Her skirt was tight fitting, but he managed to work it up over her hips. He pulled down her panties as far as her knees; then she took over and got rid of them while he dealt with his belt and fly. Cupping her bottom in his hands, he lifted her and positioned her open thighs over his. He touched her. She was ready. In one fluid thrust, he was buried in her completely.

She wrapped her arms around his head and held fast as he fucked her, as much with his mind as with his body. Because of their position, it was impossible to move much, but he rocked against her, pressing as high and hard as he could. Thinking about what they were doing, knowing that he was at last inside her again, made him burn. And the angle was perfect for her. With each stroke, he grazed the erogenous spot. When he came, so did she. And it was crashing.

For what seemed endless minutes, they clung to each other, their breathing loud in the empty house, their bodies giving off incredible heat. Finally he withdrew and gently set her on her feet. Her arms remained wound around his head, his mouth on her neck. Slowly he kissed his way up to her chin and then let his lips hover above hers for agonizing seconds before settling against them. Her lips parted, accepting his tongue.

It was their first real kiss. It was a perfect kiss. Silky and wet and sweet. Intense. Very sexy. When finally they drew apart, he placed his palms on the door on either side of her head, and rested his fevered forehead against hers. “The past thirty days have been the longest of my life,” he said, his voice raspy. “I lived in fear of you calling and saying we wouldn’t need to meet again. I was afraid I would never get to kiss you.”

She placed her fingers lengthwise over his lips. “If we talk, I have to go,” she whispered. “You can’t say anything. I can’t hear anything.”

He pulled back, about to argue, but her expression begged him to understand. And he did. They had to pretend this wasn’t personal. Each knew better. They weren’t fooling themselves. What had just happened had nothing to do with making a baby or anything else except raw desire. But they could not acknowledge it out loud. The only way she could stay was to pretend that she was doing this because her husband demanded it.

Saying nothing more, they went into the bedroom and began removing their clothes. By the time she got out of her shoes and had taken off her top, he was down to his skin. Unwilling to wait another moment to lie down with her, he stretched out on the bed and pulled her down beside him. Gathering her against him, he held the back of her head in his palm and kissed her until they were breathless.

He undid the front fastener of her lacy bra. Her breasts were lovely, soft, natural. He took the weight of one in his palm, brushed his thumb across the nipple until it was very stiff, then caressed it with his tongue. When he drew it into his mouth, she arched her back and whimpered with pleasure.

Blindly he sought her hand and guided it down. He sighed raggedly when her fingers closed around him, then her thumb, discovering a drop of moisture in the slit, spread it around the glans in slow, mind-blowing circles that were nearly his undoing.

Reaching around her, he unfastened her skirt and pushed it past her hips and down her legs. Naked now, she modestly lay back with her thighs closed, forming a perfect, enchanting V. He leaned down and gently blew on her, then pressed a kiss into the damp curls, teasing, teasing until her thighs relaxed. He moved between them and made slow love to her with his mouth.

It was she who drew her knees back and tugged on his hair until he was lying on top of her and his sex was deep inside her again. This time it was unhurried, more emotional than passionate. He savored each sensation and made certain she did. When he felt himself getting close, he took her face between his hands and looked down into her eyes, wanting there to be no question that it was he, only he, making love to her, and for only one reason.

He lost count of the number of times they made love that afternoon, because it was one long act, one erotic exchange melding into the next. Though they weren’t free to speak, they allowed each other unlimited access.

His lips touched each feature of her beautiful face again and again. He was at liberty to stroke every inch of her skin, to kiss the backs of her knees. He slid his thumb down the groove of her spine all the way to the cleft of her hips, then lay with his cheek resting in the small of her back.

Equally curious, she examined his large hands, tracing the heavy veins on the backs of them, sucking his crooked little finger into her mouth. She seemed to like his chest hair. A lot. She nuzzled it frequently. He loved the feel of her breath ruffling through it, loved feeling her fingertips exploring his navel and her knee tucked snugly under his balls, loved feeling her mouth’s wet tug until he thought he would die of pleasure.

They were lying quietly, fondling and kissing idly, as satiated lovers do, when she looked at him sadly and pulled away. And he’d had to let her go. There was so much he wanted to say, but he was forbidden to. He wanted to tell her that, for the first time in his whole, misbegotten life, he was in love. He loved, period. He loved her.

“God help me,” he whispered now to the walls of his hospital room, “I did from the start.”

He must have slept. A slight shift of air roused him. He opened his eyes. Coach was standing just inside the door. He said, “Were you asleep?”

“Just resting my eyes.”

He hesitated, then walked to the side of the bed and looked Griff over, his gaze settling on his bandaged shoulder. “How is it?”

“I’ll live. Hurts like hell.”

“They don’t have any pain medication in this hospital?”