Page 149 of Play Dirty

“No shit?”

“The place was deserted. We’ll keep looking, but among my officers and the sheriff’s deputies, they don’t know of anything else out that way. Not for miles.”

“Okay. Keep me posted.”

“Sure thing, Detective.”

Rodarte closed his phone and tossed it onto the passenger seat, cursing his culpability. Had Burkett sent him on a wild-goose chase? Given him some busywork to keep him occupied while he and his ladylove got away?

He pulled his car to the shoulder of the freeway, rolled down the window, and lit a cigarette. He kept the motor idling while he considered his options.

“Itasca,” Laura repeated. “Ever heard of it?”

“No, but I’ll find it.” He gave her shoulders a squeeze. “Great work. Thanks.” He moved toward the door. “Switch out the light till I’m gone. And remember not to turn any lights on unless the door to this room is closed.”

“You’re going now?”

“Right now. I just hope Rodarte doesn’t have too much of a lead.”

“But we don’t know if that’s it, Griff. And even if it is, Manuelo may be long gone.”

“I’ve gotta try. He’s my last hope.”

“I’m coming, too,” she said decisively.

“Un-huh. No way. I don’t know what I—”

“I’m coming with you.” She stood up, but when she did, a strange look came over her face and she pushed her hands between her thighs.

“What’s the matter?”

She just stood there, looking at him with alarm. Then her face crumpled, and she groaned, “Oh, no.”



EVEN WHEN HE SAW THE BLOOD ON HER HANDS, SAW THE streaks of it on the legs of her tracksuit, Griff didn’t comprehend what was happening until he looked into her eyes and saw the anguish in them. “Oh, Jesus.”

In a keening voice she said, “My baby.”

He reached for her, but she backed away. “Laura, I gotta get you to a hospital.”

“There’s nothing to be done.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Yes, I do.” Her eyes filled with tears. “It’s lost.”

“No, no, we’ll stop it. We can. We will.”

She looked around frantically. “Where’s the bathroom?”

He got to the door ahead of her and reached inside to switch on the light. She slipped around him and closed the door behind her.


“Don’t come in.”