Page 104 of Play Dirty

“Why would he?”

“Beats me. I wondered if maybe he’d lost some of his mental faculties, too.”

She was affronted by the question, and she let it show. “‘Too’?”

“If I seem insensitive, I’m sorry. Your husband’s physical condition was obvious. How was he mentally? A lot of people depended on him being Foster Speakman, CEO. Employees. Stockholders. Even passengers who fly SunSouth relied on him being all there.”

“Let me assure you that he was all there, Mr. Rodarte. Foster was in full command of his faculties.”

“I thought maybe his car accident had jarred something loose.” He tapped the side of his head. “Maybe you hadn’t even noticed.”

“I would have noticed.”

“Well, the signs could’ve slipped past you. You’ve been awfully busy.”

He paused strategically. Busy with your lover. That was the implication. She refused to take the bait and only stared at him with a passivity she was far from feeling.

“Your husband took medication.”

“Yes. Drugs to strengthen his immune system. Others for the health of his digestive tract, which was severely damaged in his accident. Sometimes a sleep medication.”

“Along with those, he took prescriptions for acute anxiety. I’ll spare us some more time here, Mrs. Speakman. I’ve already talked to your husband’s psychiatrist.”

Laura drew a deep breath. “As an adolescent Foster was diagnosed with OCD. Obsessive—”

“I know what it is.”

“Then you also know that it can be controlled with medication.”

“I believe you.” He chuckled. “I’m a little obsessive myself. You poll a hundred people on the street, nearly all are crazy in one way or another.”

Such an inane remark didn’t warrant a response.

“Would you say your husband’s OCD was under control?”


“Was he depressed?”


“Not even just a little?” the detective wheedled. “For instance, he might have been a little depressed over your affair with Burkett. The guy turns my stomach for what he did, but even I gotta admit, he’s got a face the ladies go for. The height. The hair. The gladiator’s body. To a man who’s disabled, like your husband was, that in particular would be a slap in the face. Did he know about Burkett and you?”

She shook her head.

He cupped his ear.

“No,” she said tersely. “He didn’t. Not to my knowledge.” She stood up. “Is that all, Detective?”

“Not quite. Did Burkett try to contact you after the breakup?”

She considered lying, then thought better of it on the chance Rodarte already knew the answer to this question, too. “A couple of times, he called the SunSouth offices and tried to talk his way past Kay. I never took his calls.”

“You haven’t seen him since that day you told him it was over between you?”


“Or talked to him?”