Page 195 of Envy Mass Market

“I was getting a little worried myself,” Parker said. “Those smoke machines are killers.”

Deputy Harris glanced at the scorched walls. “Those smudge pots did some damage to your building.”

“It’s survived worse. Besides, it was worth it.”

“So you got it?”

“Every incriminating word.” Parker pulled out his shirttail and removed a cassette tape recorder clipped to the waistband of his pants. He disconnected it from the microphone wire and passed it to the sheriff. He winced only slightly when he ripped off the tiny microphone taped to his chest. “Thanks for setting this up, Deputy Harris.”

“No thanks necessary. I appreciate your calling me. It’ll probably be the only elaborate sting of my career.” The two shook hands.

Noah had continued to shout obscenities, but the deputy hadn’t acknowledged him until now. “I’m anxious to meet your guest here, Mr. Evans. Let’s haul him up outta there,” Harris said, motioning to the other two deputies, who were standing by with ropes.

“How you doin’ down there, Mr. Reed? The police chief up in Mass’chusitts sure is anxious to hear what you had to say about your daddy-in-law’s fall. My department’s talking to the folks down in Florida, too.”

Parker turned away, symbolically leaving Noah to the devil as Mike had urged him to.

He was taken aback, but not really shocked, to see his old friend standing just beyond the gin’s wide door. Mike always seemed to be there when he’d most needed him.

Maris was standing with him.

Deputy Harris noticed his hesitation and sidled up behind him. “They were tearing up the road in a golf cart. Intercepted them before they could barge in here and ruin the whole thing. Had a hell of a time keeping them out. They were worried about you.”

“Afraid Noah would kill me?”

“No, sir. Afraid you would kill him.”

Parker smiled. “Wonder where they got that idea.”

“The old man said something about your plot. Said Ms. Matherly pieced it together, figured it out.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.”

Shuffling across the dirt floor in a stiff-legged, awkward gait, his legacy of Noah’s treachery, he slowly made his way outside. Mike seemed to know he needed to make this walk alone and didn’t rush to assist him. He was within touching distance before Mike asked if he wanted his wheelchair.

“Thanks, Mike.”

Mike went to fetch his chair. Maris continued to stand stone still, staring at him.

“You thought I was paralyzed?”

She nodded.

“I figured. Thought it best to let you go on thinking that. For this to work, I needed Noah to think that, too.” He decided he might just as well tell her the worst of it flat out. “I ride whenever I can. This is about the best I can do. Will ever do.”

A tear rolled down her cheek. “It doesn’t matter. It never did.”

* * *

“The sweetest gift I ever received in my life was that glass of fireflies.” Parker was stroking her back in the aftermath of lovemaking.

“Lightning bugs.”

He chuckled. “You’re learning. With help you might become a bona fide belle.”

“That was a sweet night all-’round. The sweetest. Until tonight.”

“Maris, that next morning—”