Page 151 of Envy Mass Market

“Nothing. Directly.”

“Then I don’t get it.”

“Maxine watches Dad like a hawk. Or a mother hen. I wouldn’t be worried if she were with him. I don’t like the idea of his being alone.”

“He’s not.”

No, he was alone with Noah.

What she didn’t tell Parker was that Noah had assured Maxine that Maris was aware of their weekend plans, that she had sanctioned them. The loyal employee had been distraught to learn that Maris had not been consulted. “Why did Mr. Reed mislead me?”

Why indeed?

Maxine had then told her that Daniel had entertained a guest for breakfast.


“I don’t know.” She explained about the errand he’d sent her on. “I think Mr. Matherly dreamed up a reason to get me out of the house. When I got back, he was washing dishes.”

“Washing dishes?”

“He didn’t want me to know that two place settings had been used. When I questioned him about it, he got defensive and said that they were his dishes and that if he wanted to use a dozen place settings at breakfast, he could. It was all nonsense, Maris. He apologized for it later. The important thing is that someone definitely came to the house while I was out, and he didn’t want anyone to know about it.”

“Did he seem upset?”

“No. In fact, he seemed very upbeat and eager to be off when Mr. Reed arrived to pick him up.”

“Then I’m sure we’re worrying over nothing.”

Maris hoped her assurances sounded sincere to the anxious housekeeper. To her own ears they rang hollow, even as she repeated them to Parker now. “I’m relieved to know where he is, and I’m sure he’s all right. But I’ll feel better once I talk to him.”

“Did you try contacting him at the country house?”

“The line has been busy for hours. And even though I didn’t want to speak to Noah, I also tried his cell phone. It was busy, too, so I left a voice-mail message and the phone number here. I hope you don’t mind.”

“So long as you didn’t give my name.”

“Of course not. But the point is moot. Nobody’s called. I need to check my cell, see if there’s a message on it.”

“Sorta weird.”


“That your dad would agree to spending a weekend with your estranged husband.”

“Dad doesn’t know we’re separated.” He registered the expected surprise. “I guess I should have told him right away, but the time never seemed right. I wanted to choose a time when it would have the least impact.”

“Do you think Noah plans to spring the unhappy news on him this weekend?”

“That was my first thought,” she said tightly. “Or possibly to ask Dad to intervene on his behalf. He’s got his position at Matherly Press to protect. If that’s the reason he married me, that’ll be his reason for wanting to prevent a divorce.”

“Would your father intervene on Noah’s behalf?”

“Absolutely not. He knows I’ve been unhappy. He just doesn’t know the extent of my unhappiness.” Lowering her voice, she said, “Until I came to St. Anne Island and met you, I didn’t know how unhappy I’d been.”

He groaned. “Don’t look at me like that, Maris.”

“Like what?”