Page 33 of Envy Mass Market

“It’s at the curb,” Noah assured her. “I’ve already checked.”

“Good. Dad, remember I’ll have my cell phone with me in Georgia. I told Maxine to call—”

“And she will, the old busybody. Get me out of here, Noah. Please. Before Maris decides I’m ready for adult diapers.”

Noah guided him down the hallway toward the staircase. “I’ll be right back, darling,” he called to Maris. “I haven’t given you your present yet.”

“There’s more?”

“Just wait. And no snooping!”

Now that the apartment was empty of guests, she could see it well for the first time. Tall windows on the far wall of the living room overlooked the rooftop garden on the next building. The “stuff” was nice, but not as pricy as the “locksmith” had implied. There were pictures on the walls, and an area rug beneath the seating arrangement of chairs and sofas, but the emphasis was on functionality and comfort.

The galley kitchen was narrow, even by New York standards. Off the living room, a closed door led to what she assumed was a bedroom. She was making her way toward that door when hands seized her around the waist.

“I thought I told you not to snoop,” Noah said, nuzzling her ear.

“I didn’t know that I was. When are you going to tell me why you leased this apartment?”

“In good time. Be patient.”

“Is my present behind door number one?”

“Let’s take a look.” He walked her toward the door. “You may open it now.”

The room was a small cubicle, but a generous window made it appear larger. It was furnished with a desk, a leather swivel chair, and shelves only partially filled with books. It was further equipped with a telephone, a computer and printer, and a fax machine. A yellow legal tablet lay on the desk beside a metal pencil holder filled with sharpened pencils.

Maris took in every detail, then turned and looked at Noah.

He laid his hands on her shoulders and massaged them gently. “I know you’ve wondered about the late hours I’ve been keeping, as well as the unaccounted-for time I’ve spent away from home and office.”

“I confess.”

“I apologize for causing you to worry. I wanted this place to be completely set up before you saw it. It’s taken me weeks to get it ready. Months, if you factor in the time I spent searching for a suitable space.”

“A suitable space for what?”

“Well, not for conducting the illicit affair you thought I was having.”

She lowered her eyes. “Again, I confess.”

“With Nadia?”

“She topped the list of suspects.”

“Maris,” he said reproachfully.

She tossed her head back and shook out her hair, as though freeing herself of a burden. “God, I’m glad it’s not that.”

“Feel better?”

“Immeasurably. But, if this apartment wasn’t designated as a love nest, what did you lease it for?”

He ducked his head in what could only be described as shyness. “Writing.”

“Writing?” she repeated on a thin breath.

“That’s your anniversary present. I’ve begun writing again.”