Page 47 of Two Alone

“Say something for God’s sake.”

“I’ll concede both points.”

He let out a long breath. “All right then, knowing that, and knowing that it’s unreasonable to do anything about it, and knowing, too, that it’s going to be a helluva long winter, we’ve got some things to iron out. Agreed?”


“First, we’ll stop the mudslinging.” Her russet eyes treated him to a frosty stare. Grudgingly he added, “I’ll admit to being guilty of that more than you. Let’s just promise not to be verbally abusive to each other from here on.”

“I promise.”

He nodded. “The weather will be our enemy. A fearsome one. It will require all our attention and energy. We can’t afford the luxury of fighting each other. Our survival depends on living together. Our sanity depends on doing it peaceably.”

“I’m listening.”

He paused to collect his thoughts. “As I see it, our roles should be traditional.”

“You Tarzan, me Jane.”

“Sort of. I’ll provide the food. You’ll cook it.”

“As you’ve so untactfully pointed out, I’m not a very good cook.”

“You’ll get better.”

“I’ll try.”

“Don’t get defensive if I offer you advice.”

“Then don’t make snide remarks about my lack of talent. I’m good at other things.”

His eyes lowered to her lips. “I can’t argue that.” After a long, silent moment, he roused himself. “I don’t expect you to wait on me hand and foot.”

“I don’t expect that from you, either. I want to pull my weight.”

“I’ll help you keep the cabin and our clothes clean.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll teach you to shoot more accurately so you can protect yourself when I’m gone.”

“Gone?” she asked faintly, feeling that the rug had just been pulled out from under her.

He shrugged. “If the game gives out, if the stream freezes over, I might have to go in search of food.”

She would face with fear and dread the times she might have to stay in the cabin alone, perhaps for days. Even a vulgar and insulting Cooper was better than no Cooper at all.

“And this is the most important point.” He waited until he had her full attention, until her dazed eyes had refocused on him. “I’m the boss,” he said, tapping his chest. “Don’t let’s kid ourselves. This is a life-or-death situation. You might know all there is to know about residential real estate and California chic and the lifestyles of the rich and famous. But up here, all that knowledge isn’t worth a damn. On your turf you can do whatever the hell you please and I say, more power to you, ‘You’ve come a long way, baby,’ and all that. But up here, you obey me.”

She was stung by his implication that her field of expertise wasn’t much use outside Beverly Hills. “As I recall, I haven’t tried to usurp your position as the macho provider.”

“Just see that you don’t. In the wilderness there’s no such thing

as equality between the sexes.”

He stood up and happened to catch sight of the blanket lying on the foot of the bed. “One more thing: No more silly screens. The cabin is too small and we’re living too close together to play coy games like that. We’ve seen each other naked. We’ve touched each other naked. There’re no more secrets. Besides,” he said, raking his eyes over her, “if I wanted you bad enough, no damn blanket would keep me from you. And if rape was what I had in mind, I would have done it a long time ago.”

Their eyes locked and held. Finally, he turned his back. “It’s time you got up. I’ve already started the coffee.”