Page 55 of Prime Time

“And now?”

“Now, I’m exhausted and want to go to sleep, but can’t bear the thought of wasting time sleeping while you’re naked in my bed.”

“Would it make you feel any better to know that I’m sleepy, too?”

He grinned and kissed her. Lying down, he pulled her back against his chest and snuggled close, adjusting her body to the length of his.

She cleared her throat loudly. “Mr. Ratliff, perhaps you don’t realize where your hand is.”

“Yes, I do, but I was hoping you wouldn’t notice.”

“Are you going to be a gentleman and remove it?”

“No. I’m already asleep.”

Sunlight made her squint as she was putting on her earrings in front of the cheval glass the next morning. Her image in the mirror reminded her of the night before, when Lyon had admitted her into his erotic fantasy. Her hand trembled slightly, and she didn’t recognize the rapturous expression on her face. It had never been there before.

Last night could have been a dream, were it not for the vivid reminders left on her body. Her breasts were lightly chafed by the abrasions of Lyon’s whisker-rough cheeks. The nipples tingled with memory of his lips and tongue. There was a heavy sensation between her thighs each time she recalled the way Lyon’s body had coupled with hers.

She basked most of all in the luxury of l

oving and knowing that her love was returned. Each time their loving was made complete, it was more than a physiological blending, but a fusing of spirits as well. His sexual prowess had brought her womanhood to life, a life she had never known was there to discover. But that was only one reason why she loved him. She loved the man, his vulnerability when she had seen him grief-stricken, his strength, his humor. She even loved the temper she had seen unleashed on a few occasions.

Lyon. She loved Lyon.

Soon after they awakened, he had excused himself so they could both dress. He had brought the suitcase from her car before he went to his own room.

As she dressed she planned how she would ask him to sign the release form and tell him of the decision she had made just before falling asleep in his arms. She didn’t know what their future held. It hadn’t been discussed. Last night they had lived only for the present. But whatever happened between them—and she couldn’t imagine a future without him now—she knew her life had to change direction. It couldn’t go on as it had. Until she had made that decision, she didn’t know how cramped and confined she’d felt. Now she felt free, unchained.

She heard his steps on the stairs and attributed his haste to the same impulse that made her heartbeat quicken with the knowledge that he was near. Making one last hasty inspection of herself in the mirror, she whirled around to greet him as he came through the door.

“At last! My lover returns—” Her words died in her throat as she took in his murderous expression. His eyes fairly sparked with fury. His mouth was thinly twisted into a bitter sneer.

“You lying, scheming—”

“Lyon,” she shouted, breaking off the hateful epithet. “What’s happened?”

“I’ll tell you what’s happened. A little slut by the name of Andy Malone has duped me again.”


“Spare me the act, okay,” he yelled. “I know now what you’re here for.”

“Lyon,” she said, collapsing onto the bed and staring up at him with bewilderment. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You don’t, huh?” He stalked to the window and looked out, surveying the hills that shone in the morning sunlight. “Okay, I’ll play along. Tell me why you came out here yesterday.”

“I wanted to see you.” That was the truth. Les had provided her with an excuse to return to the ranch, but had it not been for the release, she would have contrived another reason to see him one more time.

“You wanted to see me,” he repeated ironically, turning around to bear down on her again. “Touching. No doubt you wanted to comfort me in my bereavement.”

“Yes,” she wailed, hating the scornful tone in his voice.

“No other reason?” he asked silkily.

“Well, yes. I needed to … there was a … this …”

“Tell me, damn you!” he roared.