Page 52 of Low Pressure

“You sound confident.”

“You don’t want to fly with a pilot who isn’t.”

“I don’t want to fly with one who’s overconfident, either.”

He held her gaze for several beats. “Something on your mind, A.k.a.?”

She wanted to ask him about the incident that had cost him his career in commercial flying, but his hard expression caused her to shy away. “The attendant is up now.”

“About freaking time.”

When she reached their aisle, she smiled down at Bellamy. “It’s a pleasure to have you on board, Ms. Price. I loved your book.”

“Thank you.”

“Are you on a book tour?”

“No, I’m taking some time off.”

“Don’t make us wait too long for the next book. Something to drink?”

“Diet Coke, please.”

The attendant reached across her to set two cocktail napkins on the armrest between her and Dent. “And for you, sir? Something stronger?”

“You read my mind.”

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“I’m good at that.”

“I’ll bet you are,” he said, giving her a slow grin. “Bourbon on the rocks.”

“That would have been my first guess.”

“Make it a double.”

“That would’ve been my second guess,” she said with cheekiness, then pulled back and started up the aisle toward the galley.

Bellamy gave him an arch look.

He said, “If I can’t work the kite strings, I’d just as well drink.”

“It’s not that. It’s…” She looked after the shapely attendant as she made her way forward toward the galley. “It’s always been easy for you, hasn’t it?”

Catching her drift, he said, “Flirting? It would be easy for you, too, if you’d let it be.”

“Never. I’m not equipped.”

He slid a glance over her. “Your equipment is fine. Better than fine. But you’ve got this TFR posted—”


“Temporary flight restriction posted around yourself that defies anyone to breach your airspace.” He turned slightly in his seat to study her better. “Why the barrier?”

“Just my nature, I suppose.”

“Try again.”